The only time my neighbor starts a fire in their back yard is when there is a red flag fire warning. We don’t have many of these warnings per year, like one or two. On these days, they have a fire without fail. Yeah, they’re a libertarian. Loves Rogan and Musk. Fucking dangerous, these people. Adolescent contrarians have more functioning logic.
burning down my house to own the libs
Call them in, every time, leave an anonymous tip. We’ve watched entire neighborhoods burn this year due to dry conditions. We’ve watched entire towns be wiped off the map.
Fuck this guy, call it in. Depends on your state I believe, but do a quick google search, probably on the site that has the red flag warning. He wants to do it so bad, he can pay the hefty fines.
Missouri isn’t exactly on that level administratively. The warning only says burning is not advised.
FWIW I plan on calling today if they leave the fire I attended, which they always have in the past.
I’m not sure if that applies in your jurisdiction and situation. But I’d take a picture. If your neighborhood does burn down, you have proof that it was him.
Oh I am with you. I document it every time. Thanks for the suggestion though, hope someone else in a similar future situation sees it and remembers.
God I tried to look it up to see, god Missouri what the hell. “burning discouraged”. Yeah. That stopped maybe 5% of the population, back pats all around. I guess I’d recommend… hosing off your roof…
And this state has a significant timber industry (white oak). Truly a backwards state run by theocratic fascist idiots.
At least you’re just
MiseryMissouri, and notGlorifide Torture and SlaveryMississippi or Alabama.
It’d be a pity if their homeowners insurance company received a date-stamped photo of their actions.
…just a pity.
Yeah, I’ve got one of those selfish MAGA nuts living behind me. Dude lives in a house that was rebuilt after a firestorm burned 95% of the neighborhood to the ground, and he lived here during that rebuilding period.
A few 4th of July’s ago he was firing illegal mortars off his balcony and shooting firearms into the air. He was doing this once an hour for 12 hours before the cops hauled him away.
I stupidly asked him to stop because of fire risk and the fact that our pets were going nuts. He proceeded to try to fight me while yelling about freedom and other stupid MAGA shit.
He lives on the top of the hill in our neighborhood. So if he starts a fire, his place is almost sure to go. Fire runs up. He’s a fucking moron.
Report the guy to the cops or fire department if you can. Have multiple neighbors do it.
can’t you just shoot them and say it was self defense?
The good news is that this guy is probably going to self-destruct. He’s constantly getting in trouble with the law.
well that’s good then, maybe the cops will defend themselves!
He’s tried to fist fight the cops several times, so that’s a very real possibility.
Did you call the fire marshall?
I wouldn’t even want someone like that to get a fine from bylaw. They should get criminal charges for endangering everyone in that community.
People like that have no regard for human life.
Weren’t the Australia fires of some year ago started in a similar way?
Call the fire department on them. They do not fuck around and the police will back the fire dept.
I’d call the local Fire Marshal.
It is Missouri. Even in a red flag situation, having fires is only discouraged. It would have to represent a visible threat, ie, unattended or spreading beyond the pit.
That may be but the fire Marshall has skin in the game unlike the cops do. They don’t want to see one of their guys die in a structure fire so it behooves them to at least have a chat with this clown.
Plus, getting it on the record that someone called it in might be important later if things spiral badly. Hopefully calling stops this fire, but if not, maybe it stops the next one.
I’d still call and ask if they could knock on his door. Keep “discouraging” him until he gets it.
Have other neighbors also call in and ask for help.
Call that bitch in.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
At this point I hope the wind catches his roof.
First time I got to use a fire extinguisher was when a neighbor a few houses down the street thought it was a good idea to burn moss in his driveway with a blowtorch after it hadn’t rained in weeks.
That was the second time that neighbor’s neighbor’s hedge caught fire. He then replaced it with a fence.
Vinyl fence?
There is too little information in that comment for me to be able to provide a meaningful response with the given context.
Edit: I don’t know why the material matters, but I think it was a wire mesh with some sort of plastic in between.
I’m not the person you replied to, but pretty sure the question was whether the neighbor in your story replaced their hedge with a vinyl fence specifically.
Thanks. I couldn’t come up with a reason why the material would be relevant, so I thought there must be some context or other meaning of “vinyl fence” that I was missing.
I could be wrong, but they likely asked because vinyl/PVC is generally toxic to the environment so it was probably a means of asking whether your neighbor replaced the foliage in their yard with a fixture that poisons the ground. I wouldn’t be surprised if the strips in the chain link were vinyl, as that’s a pretty common outdoor filler material.
I think you guys are looking to deeply and it was just a joke about the burnt hedge being replaced with a flammable fence (vinyl).
Maybe lol
does the hose reach?
Nope, but I have a half dozen fire extinguishers. 🧯
You should probably chuck one right in their head. Might make them less of an idiot.
My neighbors burn almost daily, even during burn bans. I get why they burn stuff and I burn cardboard sometimes myself. Our town has very strict rules on trash pickup and you can get fined for more than 5 bags. I don’t violate ordinances or bans tho. Because I don’t want my town to burn down.
Is it common in the US to just burn stuff to get rid of it?
Sounds like an environmental nightmare…
Where I am it is. I burn things sparingly, usually only when I have way too many boxes to fit in my 5 trash bag maximum. That hasn’t happened in almost a year, thankfully. I’ve been able to find more of what I need locally so I’ve been ordering things online less and less.
*Mildly inflammatory