Bob contemplates deeply.
Nice bobcat
With all the nick names I have given him over the years I never thought of that one.
Hello Bob.
Hello Mrsbatsinherbelfry, from Bob
I love Bob so much.
please post more pics of Bob and also his brother Jack! lemmy needs them!!
I will sift through the dozens I have and find the best.
What a pretty boy!
He is pretty and very squishy.
My best kitty friend ever was named Bob. Its a fantastic name.
It does fit him very well. He’s very Bob.
Our Bob came from the shelter as Ollie, but he was never Ollie.
Ollie became Oddball -> Bobbles -> Bob. And Bob just seemed right.
We have rescued a lot of cats over the years and I have always told people that they kind of name themselves. Just like Ollie became Bob cause that’s who he really is.
Bob is perfect. 10/10.
Bob is a foster fail along with his brother Jack.
Just as I said. Perfect in every way. That’s how you know. Couldn’t bear to give him up. Say hi to Bob and Jack for me.
I did. I think Jack smiled back.
The floof, the feetsies, the tail wrap - 10/10 from me <3
Bob says thank you.
Hi, Bob.
Bob gave you a wink.
Bob looks soft.
Very soft, we always say he is the the boneless model.
There is a meme/Gif for everything. And me and Bob even watched this one. Bob says she was the real hero.
I trust Bob
And I fucking love Bob.
Bob looks like he would enjoy sitting with somebody while they read a book. And possible a larger cat-tree platform.
The cuddling and cat tree for sure. And you have to pet him while he eats.
These are quite acceptable terms.
Small price to pay.
His name is Robert Paulson.
Monday to Friday at the office he is Robert but he’ll always be Bob to us.
Project mayhem does not have office hours.
Dear God!
::: spoiler This is a reference. :::