• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Is this the conversation where I said dems have had control for 4 years of the last 24 years? Yeah it is. Dude they are forced to reach across the aisle. Because they have lost control for 20 years of the last 24 years. That’s how Congress works, if you don’t have all 3 then you are forced to reach across the aisle and compromise. I’ll say it again, forced to. Because left voters never show up.

    No matter how much you gripe, that’s how it works. So if you want them to do left things, then give them all 3 (presidency, house of reps, and Senate) consistently and overwhelmingly. It’s that simple.

    (Want to go back further and include Bill Clinton? Then Dems have had control for 6 years of the last 32. Want to include Bush senior and Reagan? Then it’s 6 years of the last 44 fucking years. Read that again: Dems have had control for 6 measly years of the last 44 fucking years. And you wonder why we have slow progress?)

  • Everytime the Dems lose, they go to the center to find votes. And they find them! That’s how Bill Clinton won, he went to the center (some say right, whatever). Gore went a little left and then lost. So Obama learned to not run left and instead ran on broad “hope”. His reward for passing the ACA was losing Congress for his last 6 years. Thanks voters. Clinton went a little left on climate change, supposedly the important issue for the left, and lost. So Biden learned to not run left, and he won!

    Every time the Dems go left they lose. So they go to the center to find voters and they find them. And you wonder why they go to the center?

  • They reach across the aisle because they basically never have control of Congress. Dems need all 3 (presidency, house of reps, and Senate) to pass anything. When they don’t have all 3, they have to reach across the aisle to pass anything. So guess how long they’ve had all 3? They’ve had it for 4 years of the last 24 years.

    And if they didn’t reach across, guess what happens. The GOP shuts down the government like they did to Obama.

    So what can you do move things left? Give Dems consistent and overwhelming victories in all 3 houses.