Just some IT guy

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m afraid with NDA enforcement it does not matter how bad it was. Cover set a precedent for how they handle NDA breaches with (presumably) Rushia and now they will have to give that same treatment to any other talent found to have breached NDA in similar manners.

    Meaning, for example, that if Cover set the precedent that one NDA breach gets you a 2 week suspension with a 2nd NDA breach being a termination any talent found to have breached NDA twice will need to be terminated. If Cover does not do that they would open themselves up as a target for a harassment/discrimination lawsuit.

    So whatever metric they set with Rushia will now have to be used to evaluate the breaches of all talents and in turn will also dictate the punishment. If the severity of the NDA breach was not a factor in Rushias termination then it cannot ever be used to lessen the punishment in any case of NDA breach after. If the reasoning for Rushias termination was “talent breached NDA x times” then any talent breaching NDA x times will have to be terminated or Rushia could sue for discriminatory treatment.

    So yeah it could simply be that Cover tied their own hands when they rushed to cut out the festering tumor that was the Rushia drama back then.

  • I highly doubt anyone is actively fucking with the /c here (other than the admins). I’d simply suspect missing metadata or some shit before assuming someone is somehow covertly sabotaging multiple open content discovery services for the fediverse.

    The source code for lemmyverse is public so there’s no need to just speculate. I haven’t checked myself but I highly doubt anime@lemmy.ml is somehow getting filtered out of the search results. Imo it’s mich more likely that the community is just the victim of some bug. Maybe check again in a few days, I know lemmyverse had issues with communities disappearing when they couldn’t be reached during the listing updates.

  • I may have an extremely warped opinion on this due to several reasons (imo mostly due to irl encounters with adult people that would put you on a watch list due to how young they look) but I think in the end it usually boils down to anime/manga just being terrible media for portraying how old a character actually is. The oldest anime character you can draw will still look significantly younger than a person you meet irl simply because the art style hides a lot of the age marks.

    Edit: which is not to say that there isn’t a lot of CSAM hiding, it’s just imo the stuff that gets popular on SFW platforms is rarely that stuff

  • I see two options as to why you made that comment:

    1: you just blindly believe what that admin said and have no opinion of your own, if that is the case I highly doubt a discussion is possible

    2: you actually believe anime is csam in which case a discussion won’t be possible either because we don’t share the same definition of what csam is

    As a closing note I find it hilarious that someone from hexbear of all places tries to ridicule people for trying to move to a safe space for their community

    Edit: case in point against the csam claim is the fact that the instance in question got re-added to join-lemmy.org because the material that got it removed was not remotely seen as csam by the other maintaners