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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024

  • Actually in that specific situation, the store is closed and you have to come back when they’re opened. It’s not closed for fun. It’s closed because the store closes, and there’s 45mins of tasks that have to be done and many of them require the registers to be closed and the doors to be locked and if you unlock the door you have to reset the timer and start over. It’s not a game, your bullshit isn’t worth 10-15 people working an extra 45min at a time when the store isn’t making money. I gotta tell you when your a specialist or manager and you have to close and open, getting to bed in time to sleep enough to not die is a bigger problem than your lost item. Literally everyone else knows you don’t get special treatment for losing something, Come back in the morning you spoiled little shit.

  • Nope, you never engage. Never ever engage. That flaming asshole who’s too self centered and ignorant to read the hours posed on the door they’re banging on and refuses to accept that the store is closed for EVERYONE including them, isn’t going to be polite, honest, or responsible. If you engage, they will immediately punish you for it. Don’t ever make that mistake.

    You don’t work for the customer, you work for the store. It’s not always a crime to go along with a customer, but it’s always a negative when they want to push you to violate policy, change prices, complain about Mike in sporting goods for having a mustache, or ‘‘I’ll be real quick I sware’’ shopping when the store is closed. They will always punish you.

    I eventually figured out that when a customer gets shitty, more than half the time if I say ''I work for the store and I’m responsible for [the dumbass shit you want me to do], if I violate store policy I’ll be fired" they suddenly realize this isn’t a game, and stop acting like a can of smashed assholes.

  • Snowclone@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlExterminate
    15 days ago

    I once asked an exterminator I hired at a job site what a particular bug was called, as I only knew them as ‘blood suckers’ growing up. He then huckled at me and said ‘‘I call em dead after I get through with em’’ and I realized Dale Gribble was a cartoon character who wasn’t based on a true story.

  • Wow it’s really hard to pin down a definition of Nihilism. Anyway, I always saw Nihilism as a view that nothing is meaningful, that everything means nothing. But not that nothing matters. If you have no meaning to ascribe value to anything or anyone, you wouldn’t find meaning in unnecessary harm or discomfort to others, in a harm reduction mindset.

  • Snowclone@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlUSA presidential candidates
    2 months ago

    Except Trump is also an old fool. It’s not better to say with clear speaking that he wasn’t responsible for all the things he screwed up, that he didn’t BADLY botch covid response, that he didn’t hand out money, that he didn’t support the vaccine he also took credit for making, that Jan 6 didn’t happen, that Charlottesville didn’t happen, that he didn’t call the neo nazis who killed a person ‘fine people’ that he didn’t stoke violence very intentionally. That he didn’t tell Proud Boys ‘‘stand down and stand by’’ that he isn’t calling for a dictatorship if he ever gets elected.

    Yes. Biden has a speech impediment, and clearly struggles with that particularly now that he’s getting quite old. But what he said wasn’t insane claims that reality is in fact not reality.

  • It’s not clear what your trying to stay, but if you’re saying that coal is very bad and nuclear power is better, that’s not untrue, but it’s important to remember that the economic pressure right now is against coal and for renewable energy, even in coal country businesses won’t build in a state that won’t explicitly commit to only building renewable energy exclusively for all new ot replacement energy sources. The situation isn’t perfect, there should be more aggressive removal of dirty energy, granted, but nuclear power isn’t the only clean option, and it comes with a lot of risks.