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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • MrShankles@reddthat.comtoLinux@lemmy.ml33 years ago...
    16 days ago

    perfectionist mindset - as one is writing,

    I think an “M-Dash (perfectionist mindest— as one is writing,)” would be more appropriate than an “N-Dash” in your statement. No ‘nested’ parentheses needed (unless you’re looking to add non-essential (though insightful) info to your sentence); but the type of… “PAUSE” makes all the difference

  • MrShankles@reddthat.comtoMemes@lemmy.mlZen Z
    26 days ago

    Incomprehension of fraction to decimal conversion is why 90% of people who say they are bad at math, say they are bad at math

    I feel called out. I was in high-school Calculus (11th grade) before I “truly” understood fractions. Like, I honestly somehow managed to make it to Calculus without knowing how to add and subtract fractions without a calculator. Thought I was dumb in math until 9th grade algebra, and didn’t start becoming a bit of a math nerd until Calculus

  • Also… the amount of money I’ve saved by being able to revive old hardware! I haven’t bought a new computer in 11 years. My computer before that (and still working) was a gift in 2006… that bitch is old enough to vote.

    I have other computers that people have given to me because they were “just too old,” but for me, it was an upgrade. I revived a windows 98-era HP a few years ago, just so I could use the 9-pin connection to fix my bricked OG Xbox that I was modding.

    Granted, I don’t game on PC or require heavy lifting (though I am saving for a personal build, because there’s some hobbies I just can’t do without a good desktop), but for everyday use, I have more than enough.

    I currently have 4 “working” computers. Two of them are my main, one still needs to be “reinvigorated” (it’s 18 years old), and one is my server.

    I have a 5th desktop that was given to me (because it was too slow/old), and it just recently crapped out on me (either because of windows bullshit, or a bad hdd. But I have my hunches). So it’s about to be revived when I have time.

    Hardest part was getting my wife onboard with switching to Linux, instead of buying a new computer. But now she’s getting ready to switch her Mac to Linux because it’s been struggling. And I think she’s starting to realize that a brand-new computer isn’t really “necessary”, if all you’re doing is email, browsing web, and editing docs. Shit, our phones can handle most of that; you don’t need a $1k+ computer for that, or pay for windows software that will barely work on the hardware you have.

    So yeah… end rant. Absolutely love how much Linux has breathed new life into my old hardware. Has saved me time and time again, as well as a bunch of money. I definitely need to throw a donation at a distro, cause they have saved me more than just money at this point

  • I just finished doing a fresh install this morning, because my wifi card wasn’t working. It honestly needed to be done anyway because I was out-of date, but the wifi card finally got me to back-up all my data and do it.

    Fresh install, and wifi still won’t even toggle-on. Was about to look for manual install of the driver, and so on and so forth… and then I noticed my folly

    Fucking keyboard has a toggle switch to turn the wifi off. Not the worst and glad I didn’t pull my hair out over it, but damn… felt pretty dumb this morning

  • Thank you! I was reading the wiki about the “landing” and could “understand” how a current phone would be vastly more than sufficient. I got lost trying to find how an “ESP32” was designed… and then how processor’s were (normally) designed nowadays… and how it all worked together. I guess I was asking if a single “chip” could include all of those things (CPU, RAM, ROM), or if it was multiple “chips”. An integrated circuit is what I think I was trying to dissect. I’m still curious about the inter-workings, but you cleared a whole lot up for me.

    I really appreciate the breakdown, because I didn’t have the terminology to properly search. I guess it still kinda blows my mind how far it’s all progressed

    Edit: And now I’m learning the difference between “Integrated circuit” and “circuit board”… seems silly in hindsight, but the terminology had me a bit confused. Super cool, nonetheless.

  • So I’m not an IT professional by any means, it’s a hobby. But I’m curious if an ESP32 could land a man on the moon. I searched around a bit and am under the assumption that an ESP32 has a CPU or microprocessor of some sort.

    What I’m trying to figure out is: Would a processor on an ESP32 have RAM and ROM built into the chip. I hope I’m asking the right questions.

    It seems like a processor should have RAM for a cache. But I gave up trying to figure out if it would also have built-in ROM (specifically, an ESP32’s processor)

    Do all CPU’s/microprocessors now have SRAM for a cache? Do all also contain ROM? Or is it separate? I guess an ESP32 does require ROM for it’s firmware, regardless? And (maybe?) SRAM in it’s processor?

    I’m beinginng to think an ESP32 would have the “specs” to land a man on the moon?

    Idk, “how true is your statement” is what I’m trying to figure out (but I lack a lot of the technical knowledge), and now I’m curious. If someone could ELI9, I’d appreciate it

    Edit: I did flash the eeprom on some XBOX TSOP chips in the past. So maybe ROM isn’t part of the CPU, but very near-and-dear. Annnnd I’m in a rabbit hold about the anatomy of CPU’s because of a one sentence comment. Please help

  • MrShankles@reddthat.comtoMemes@lemmy.mlArt of Seduction
    5 months ago

    I wouldn’t say no

    Ya may have read too quickly and missed the double negative. It seems that they would like relations with that bird… if that bird were were a person, and talking dirty botany to them

    Edit: and all of botany is dirt-y, when you get to the root of it… I’ll see myself out now

  • Again, still love the gumption! Though I feel like there’s probably a few steps you’re brushing over. But even if I could (theoretically) pull all of that off, idk how skimming licensing fees would ever be practical to me, especially without losing my job for a “conflict of interest”.

    I’m a simple man that works slow to create change. I’d start a campaign if anything. Research and talk about viability. But if I’m putting energy into campaigning for anything; I’m campaigning for a union wayyy before I campaign for company-wide linux adoption. Help myself and coworkers first, before pursuing a personal tech-suggestion

    Edit: maybe a psychotic serial-killer nurse would be better suited for that operation. That’s not really me though, I kinda really love what I do; all things considered

  • We use Citrix, and that’s where my knowledge really lacks (networking, in general). I feel like it could absolutely be done, but the “jankiness” of every program trying to operate smoothly, seems like a large hurdle (at least to my unknowledgable self). I just can’t see a large hospital like mine, even trying to test-run something that may cause them more headaches than they already are used to. They have enough issues navigating/operating their current systems, as is lol. You can (almost literally) see the devide between admin expectations vs. practicality.

    They’re barely interested in spending money on “staff retention”, let alone any software/networking “maybe’s”. They seem to lack the foresight for “long-term” gains, vs the “short-term”. Color me surprised

    I could see them asking for unreasonable function, because they don’t understand. And then blaming IT for any hiccup.

    And I don’t feel like a web-based Hyperspace would be entirely viable, as we already have protocols for if/when the internet or network goes down. There are computers throughout the hospital that are specifically utilized for any “network downtime”. Maybe they could use satellite or something as a “backup network-generator”, but I’m too unknowledgable to understand how that would work or if it would even be viable. I honestly don’t fully understand how the “downtime computers” operate, so that doctors’ orders can still be made… maybe they already use satellite for those? I have no idea

    But definitely doesn’t seem like a “tomatoes/tomatas” situation to me, when comparing going full linux vs switching to Libre. I was just happy to see any kind of sensibility from them on the subject

  • Use it to build a concentration camp for landlords, then…

    Lol, I love the gumption

    I unfortunately don’t work IT in any capacity (it’s a hobby of mine), and have never even seen an IT personnel from work, in person. But I also work nights as a nurse (direct patient care), so it’s not really in my “scope of practice” to have much of a say. But one can still dream

  • I think it really could be, if administration could understand the limitations of the IT side. And/or the corporate/entity cared to spend the money to make it happen (Like re-hiring the IT department so that everyone was on the same page).

    I wish it could, but even I wouldn’t think that it would be financially efficient to try and “fix” what already works. And Epic is just one of the critical programs… there’s a lot of in-between.

    If it were my hospital to run; I’d wanna test-run linux desktop in some capacity, because I bet it could be made to work better/cheaper. But it’s one of the most extensive hospitals in the state, with a LOT of everyone around using their services in some capacity. I can’t imagine them shelling out the extra capital to “decide” if there would be “long-term gains”. It’s not financially smart “short-term”, even if financially better "long-term.

    But switching to Libre Office? I was surprised. Maybe one day we’ll get there

  • Probably not honestly, but switching to Libre Office was probably relatively easy and saves way more than it cost to pay IT to get it running on the network.

    But switching the desktop environment for the entire hospital system, I could see being costly (in labor costs). Plus, I’m not sure that the EMR (Epic) would play nice, or any of the other various critical programs they use. Definitely a much different (and probably difficult) task to pull off smoothly, compared to switching Office for Libre

  • I work in a very large hospital. I left for 3 years and just came back. When I went to open a document at work, it opened in Libre Office. I was pretty surprised that they ditched Microsoft Office for Libre. Makes financial sense to me, especially because most of our use-cases are simply opening and reading a document or slideshow. But I was still surprised they made that switch, and I doubt half of the employees honestly even notice that much

    Now, they still run Windows Desktops, and I doubt that would ever switch in my lifetime. So no linux for us. But still pleasantly surprised at the step forward