Ooooh boy… This is Steven Crowder. Not only has he shown multiple times to hold far right views and platforming people who identify as white supremacists (most notably Stefan Malynuex and the guy who founded the proud boys) he has also been shown on camera abusing his wife.
He is anti-semitic, anti-abortion, anti-divorce (specifically so he can control his wife more), and very pro-gun and pro-white people.
Other than that he’s just another great example of a failed entertainer turning to the right wing griftiverse in order to make money.
So, I’m pretty much always out of the loop. What the hell did this guy do to get that label?
Ooooh boy… This is Steven Crowder. Not only has he shown multiple times to hold far right views and platforming people who identify as white supremacists (most notably Stefan Malynuex and the guy who founded the proud boys) he has also been shown on camera abusing his wife.
He is anti-semitic, anti-abortion, anti-divorce (specifically so he can control his wife more), and very pro-gun and pro-white people.
Other than that he’s just another great example of a failed entertainer turning to the right wing griftiverse in order to make money.
What a fucking loser…
He’s a right-wing podcaster and meatspace video troll.
His sole piece of merchandise reads “Socialism is for F*gs.” Verbatim.
He claims it says “figs.”