Hello there, I know a lot of you have been eagerly awaiting some solid information on the new planets, if so this blog is for you. Get comfy because it's a long one. As you already know, there are 4 new planets in the expansion. We will take an in-depth look at each planet's terrain, challenges, processes, technologies, and new gear, but not all at once. In some cases the planet content will be split into multiple parts. To kick things off I'll cover the terrain and natural aspects of the planet that is closest to being finished. I'll need to be in games master mode for this:
You can never go wrong with a whole lot of volcano.
A bit late with this one, but didn’t see it posted so here we go.
It could be interesting with something like the old Pharaoh game and its receding riverbed farming, but you’d have to balance that compared to costs of resourcing in Factorio - or offer some reasonably simple way for the player to protect their resourcing operations against the rising lava.
I was kind of wondering if there might be threats like that where certain areas are flooded with lava periodically.
I don’t think it goes with the vibe of the game, it would disrupt the factory too much
It could be interesting with something like the old Pharaoh game and its receding riverbed farming, but you’d have to balance that compared to costs of resourcing in Factorio - or offer some reasonably simple way for the player to protect their resourcing operations against the rising lava.