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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Awww. I have a soft spot for orange “tortoise shell” tabby himbos.

    Rambling story time.

    When I still lived with my parents they had one we called Gus. When he was a kitten he was a “greedy gus”, always trying to bump his siblings off the mama cat’s nipples so he could have all of it to himself. First one of the litter to start hissing too. About his siblings being on his favorite nipple no less. Grew faster than the others and was a bit of a bully while he was young. One thing that never grew though was his meow. He always had the tiniest little baby kitten mew.

    After we had him neutered he chilled out a little bit. My mother was a lot more laid back about the cats than I was, and she would let him come out with her when she did gardening because he would just find a spot in the sun near her and chill out.

    One day he saw something and took off. Showed back up a day later and was suddenly the sweetest little clingy boy. Still the largest of them too.

    So now they had a big muscular chunk of an orange tortoise shell cat, who would cry when none of his people or siblings were within eyesight, with the cutest little high pitched kitten mew. Such a himbo too, always grooming and cuddling his sisters, interacting with photos of people like they were people (nuzzling and mewing at them), never left an open lap in the house when he could lay in it and get scritches.

    When one of his siblings started crying for something (food, attention) he would find them, nuzzle them, then start crying with them in solidarity. One of his brothers would lead the crying cat to us, maybe try and lead us to the “problem” (food bowl empty, that sort of thing).

    Not Gus. He’d just sit there with the other cat crying in solidarity.

    He would regularly cry at the water dish because if it was too still and the water was too clean, he thought there was none there.

    He passed of old age a while back. Miss him still.

  • Assuming the latest version of OpenOffice doesn’t work for these files…

    My next course of action would be using the Win 10 machine with Word, or a VM with Win10 or 11 and the latest version of Word. Use MASGrave to trick M$ into considering it licensed if you need to.

    Use a Powershell script to interact with Word through the COM object interface and automate opening Word, opening the file, saving it as a different filetype, and closing. Here’s a snippet of Powershell from Reddit for going in the opposite direction (odt to docx) for a single file. I wouldn’t try to do this through Linux, just suck it up and use Windows so you don’t have an extra layer of mess to deal with.

    Going off M$ documentation of the save types enum, I would replace “wdFormatDocumentDefault” in that snippet with wdFormatOpenDocumentText or wdFormatStrictOpenXMLDocument, then test it with a single file to see which gives the output you need.

    Getting all the files of the starting type from a folder can be done using Get-ChildItem. Store those in a variable and use a foreach loop over the initial file list.

  • No, it’s just open free for the taking by anyone who decides to spin up their own instance, or to anyone who decides to scrape from an instance frederated with yours without robots.txt set against web scrapers. Hosters could even intentionally break federation to prevent deletions from syncing.

    I love lemmy, but privacy is not one of its features.

  • On the highest level, they have a constant firehose of as much audio data from a sea of customers as they wish.

    Send it to cheap overseas transcribers, use it to train and improve voice recognition and automatic transcription.

    Have a backchannel to television viewing and music listening patterns.

    Know when different customers are home or not, improving demographics data.

    Know what is discussed within the house for data on ad penetration/reach, brand awareness, and better advertisement targeting.

    It’s not a direct data to money pipeline, but having an always on listening device in someone’s home nets you a ton of useful data as an online retailer and advertiser.