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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlHuMaN NatUrE!
    1 month ago

    I kind of fail to see how a life in which all my basic needs are secured as long as I agree for them to be secured for everyone else, thus freeing me from anxiously giving my life to the futile attempt to crawl above others, is “altruistic”. Working your ass off for nothing but your crude survival and the benefit of a handful of others doesn’t seem very selfish if you put it in this perspective.

    In any case, whatever is going on right now - it’s… not good, to say the least. Wanting to fix the problem with the problem is horribly naive.

    Anyway, nice meme.

  • Is body dysmorphia out of someone’s control? Is mental illness? Is being raised in a toxic society and being manipulated to never feel good enough?

    You allow yourself way too much grace if you think you can judge a person’s appearance on the fact whether a person is responsible for their appearance or not. Even with plastic surgery. At some point in their lives they felt like they wanted to change something about their look. For what reasons, you don’t know. Why they went as far as they did or whether something was botched, you also don’t know. Whether they are happy or not with the results, you also don’t know.

    It’s her responsibility because she did this willingly and agreed to it is such a short sighted and black and white way of thinking. Even if she did, even if she likes the result and it is as intended, it is not your place to body shame her or anyone at all. The best case scenario is that you are just bashing someone’s aesthetic choices based on your preferences. More likely you are adding insecurity to a vulnerable person (because all of us are vulnerable if we’re being honest).

    So maybe try to be kind the next time. If you think it looks awful, keep it to yourself. We have so much negativity and judginess going around already.

  • I just don’t want to be homeless when I am old. That’s all I want. Having food and housing. A two room apartment for me and my husband would be nice. If I can use the public transport on top of that, I’m all set. A three room apartment would be a luxury and being able to go out every once in a while would be absolutely astronomical.

    (I also want to have healthcare but I am in Germany so I got that going for me which is nice. )

  • I was thinking about not donating to charity but buying stuff directly and asking them for support to ship it. Basically that makes you buy and not gift. If you buy 1 gigaton of rice for Ethiopia (I have no clue how many people a gigaton of rice would feed and I also have no clue whether Ethiopians need any rice) from Costco, well, then you have spent the money on it. Fuck it, maybe buy a boat. A ferry to ship it all directly. Buy land and don’t gift but let workers work there. For free. For eternity. Oh you happen to pay them 50 times the average salary of their country? Well you’re probably a bad businessman but you’re not gifting. Pay the lawyers to make a bulletproof testament where you explicitly state that these poor fellas will never own the land but will for eternity be able to use it for free until the sun explodes.

    And then bribe. Bribe away the heartache, bribe away the pain. Bribe the SCOTUS to retire. Bribe Putin to stop the war and fuck off. Bribe Trump to fuck off. Bribe Musk to get a vasectomy and fuck off. I mean you’re basically just lobbying at that point but we all know that that’s bribing and not gifting.

  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlBacon tho
    2 months ago

    To each their own, motivations for veganism vary vastly. My dad was hardcore vegan for over 25 years and never ever did he care about animals or the environment. He was vegan out of (for a lack of a better term) health beliefs. Nowadays he eats mussels and raw cheese and egg yolks.

  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlOpportunity
    2 months ago

    It is not about being rich or super rich. It is about climbing the hierarchy being an exploitative act in itself. If you dream of creating your own business you will - you have to, basically by default - do this by exploiting other people on the way up. Your success and you becoming “mildly rich” is always built on the backs of others.

    Edit: just to be clear, I am fully aware that in the greater scheme of things, a person earning 30k or even 300k is not the enemy of someone earning 25k. Obviously we need to get rid of pervertedly excessive wealth. Having 300k-30k-25k hating on each other distracts from the bigger problem.

    But at the end of the day, and I say this with as little moral judgement as possible, as soon as one person controls another one’s salary and undercuts it for their own profit, we are in a system in which success is achieved via exploitation. And this is the case in 99.9% of work environments.

  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlI mean it.
    3 months ago

    For real, fuck ICE. My fully booked evening train got cancelled after we had already boarded, the next two that day were fully booked as well, I had to find an airbnb with a toddler and travel the next day, and they replaced just half of the ticket price because I cOuLD HaVe tAKeN AnOtHer TrAiN

    On the other hand their child merch is cute af

  • The funny thing is as long as you have a small kid with you - doesn’t even have to be a baby, just stroller-age - you can bring anything. I’m not even talking about a sealed bottle of water - which, to me, would kind of make sense with the regulations - but all of the sudden your normal 500ml bottle with water, juice, or whatever, is fine. A thermo can with boiling hot water inside? Sure, no problem.

  • So, jokes aside, people eat all kinds of different things, so legit question here: is there any traditional recipe/dish based on another species’ semen? Is there any culture who eats that?

    I know in Switzerland there is a traditional dish of bull’s testicles (which I know from a way too long advertisement on youtube that showed the recipe in promotion of the region, don’t remember the region but that ad has been branded into my brain). And that you can also prepare utter. But I am asking specifically about cum here. Just out of curiosity of course…

  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlIsrael gotta go
    4 months ago

    I don’t think this is what you mean, but it sounds a lot like you want to replace one ethno state with another ethno state by pushing out all the Jews that have migrated to Israel during the last 80ish years as well as their descendants.

    I doubt this is what you would want, but I just want to point this out, because it sounds dangerous and might be taken like this.

    My guess is that you, just as most people, would not want the “migrants” displaced, but not in power and especially not suppressing the rights and targeting the people who lived there and are still living there. We all basically want them to be a big happy secular family who don’t care about each other’s background and see the person. (Which is the big problem because this family hates one another.) Yes, a lot of Israel’s population has come to Israel somewhat unlawfully, but again: the mess has already been created. Telling a 17 year old whose grandparents migrated Israel from Hungary to please fuck off and go back to Hungary would be not more rightful than displacing Palestinians back in 1948.

  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlIsrael gotta go
    4 months ago

    So, first of all - I basically agree with you and will be playing devil’s advocate a little bit here. But some things I want to point out:

    The majority of Jews condemn Israel. Israelis do no represent Jews and thinking so is antisemitic.

    Definitely not all Jews or Israelis support the Israeli government as it is. But over 40% of Jews in the world live in Israel, which makes it not the majority, but a very big chunk of Jews. While they might condemn the current government, it is difficult to argue that they condemn the idea of Israel when they are living there. However, a second point follows right from here:

    Israelis are oppressor and settlers who are living in stolen Palestinian land. Israel is an illegitimate settler colony that the UN has condemned since its inception and creation

    Yes. But also it was created a long time ago. Not too long ago, but long enough so that there are generations of people who have been born into this state as innocent people.

    Basically, I dislike the idea of how Israel was created and claiming some birthright to return to a land. Depending on how far you want to go you can always find different peoples living in any region. No one would reasonably argue that we should evacuate Manhattan and return it to Native Americans. And this analogy works in both ways: evacuate Israel to give the land back to Palestine as well as evacuating the region of Palestinians to create Israel. Shlomo Sand once said he is a post zionist because the mess has already been created, maybe that is the take I most agree with, although really, there is no fair or “right” solution to this. Which is why it makes this conflict so complicated and frustrating.