Uriel238 [all pronouns]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • We don’t have a consistent convention as to what changes qualify for a version increment rather than update increment. A new kernel? A new interface convention? New icons for the mini-apps?

    Windows 10 has more plug-and-play drivers than Win7 and Win8. It can recognize newer hardware and it can be installed natively from thumb drives. So a lot of features that were third party are now offical… long after I had access to the third-party libraries.

    But then it combines the metro and the start menu. I never found a use for the metro.

    Win11 is less operability and more DRM and more spyware.

    For Apple and Microsoft, a new version is a new marketing season. It’s the same as the new iPhone, the new Subaru.

    I assume Linux builds increment with significant operability additions, especially if they’re not fully backwards compatible. Since they’re released without charge the capacity to do more stuff is the only reason to upgrade to a new increment rather than preserving a stable version.

  • Nope. Every generation is seen as a failed generation when they’re in their early twenties.

    I’d say the previous generations have failed you, especially considering the boomers (and boomer-loyalist gen-Xers like Ted Cruz) have tried to mold you guys to fit into their society (as cheap labor and soldiers) rather than letting you change culture and take society in the direction you want it to go. After all, it’s as much yours as ours.

    Oh and we let big fossil-fuel wreck the climate for you, so bunches of Zoomers are going to die in a crisis famine and this catastrophic event will define their lives. Also there’s the plastic crisis which is going to accelerate the Holocene extinction.

    So no. Your whole generation got dealt a bum hand. There’s too much mess to clean up unless we have some miracles of innovation.

  • Is the deterioration of the global market not mainly a result of neglecting to keep monopolies in check and provide adequate regulation?

    As Marx points out in Das Kapital it’s not possible to keep monopolies in check and provide adequate regulation since they will find a way to capture the government and its regulatory agencies, so that they work for the capitalists and not the public. So what Hossenfelder failed to acknowledge is that no civilization knows how to defend its regulatory agencies from elite influence. It also fails to address matters like the uneven distribution of wealth, which leads to failure of the state and a whole lot of violence.

    And that deterioration of the global market was well underway at the time that capitalism drove the development of penicillin. Capitalist interests also drove the triggers of WWI, the overreach of the Treaty of Versailles and the consequential rise of the German Reich. And, capitalist interests figured largely in the advancement of the holocaust from concentration camps and a deportation policy to an annihilation policy and the genocide machine. ( Behind the Bastards podcast recently released a two-parter on Reinhard Heydrich, the lynchpin official who developed the whole process, worth a listen!) so as capitalism drove penicillin development to save fallen soldiers from infection, it also facilitated the driving motivations for conquest and belligerence, hence the war itself that shot those soldiers up in the first place.

    And when I watch Hossenfelder’s videos, usually I can count on her to be more thorough than she was regarding the failures of a system, but it’s not the first time her biases have informed her content.

  • This assumes the program stays that way. Much the way Google promised no human would look at (or be able to look at) the data set, we dont have an external oversight entity watching over Apple.

    And then there’s the matter of mission creep, much the way the NSA PRISM program was supposed to only deal with foreign threats to national security (specifically Islamist terrorism) yet now it tells local precincts about large liquidatable assets that can be easily seized.

    Even if it only looks as hash codes, it means law enforcement can add its own catalog of hashes to isolate and secure, say content that is embarrassing to law enforcement, like videos of police gunning down unarmed, unresisting suspects in cold blood, which are challenged only when the event is captured on a private smartphone.

  • Let’s say my grandson came to a realization that he was actually my granddaughter. She grows her hair long. She practices with make-up and gets some cute dresses and skirts, and is totally into it.

    Now Apple knows.

    Any any law-enforcement interests that think its wrong or abusive by fiat can force Apple to let them know.

    Same, if my grandkid decides they are pagan and go from wearing a cross to wearing a pentacle.

    Same if law enforcement notices that they are caramel colored, that mom is Germanic pale and dad is dark brown.

    The US is a society in which neither law nor law enforcement are on our side, and can at any time decide that arbitrary life shit is worthy of sending a SWAT team to collect us. And if the GOP is determined to make it worse.