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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2020

  • Their brain is certainly smoother to do this. Motivation I mostly hear has to do with network effect, user base. I disagree with this tho since the only way you move that network is to start hosting elsewhere & getting folks used to it (aka be the change you want to see); ‘early adopting’ & momentum in this direction is what drives a new audience to try, collaborate, contribute to these platform some otherwise wouldn’t have tried. You might lose some commits, but others (those banned from the service for US sanctions or philosophically refuse to have an account) now do get access. That might be the smaller pool, but this audience is rarely considered or catered to.

    Even if you want “visibility” or some other marketing term, a compromise would be to have a read-only mirror. But a mirror like this would contain the entire history that would be used to train their AI that they sell back to us.

    One of many reason tho, I have been using Darcs or Pijul over Git in recent times to create yet another barrier to not having code hosted on the Microsoft platform. If Pijul’s Nest supported tarball archives it would be ‘good enough’… & it only supports converting from, not to Git 🤣

  • Baby. Bathwater.

    Not all of the cryptocurrency behave as a Ponzi scheme even if many do. It also happens to be the most convenient way to transfer money between myself & the foreign friends I have—especially with Monero & Zcash hiding the transaction like cash would. I mostly use cash daily but if I have to do it digitally, I would rather it not be logged thru the government, some US-based tech firm, & all their third-party advertizing affiliates as is the case with credit cards and other mobile apps.

  • #!/usr/bin/env dash
    set -e
    cd $HOME/nixcfg
    # flake inputs to update
    for input in nixpkgs nixos-hardware home-manager hosts; do
    	nix --extra-experimental-features flakes --no-warn-dirty flake update $input
    # rebuild NixOS
    nixos-rebuild --use-remote-sudo switch --keep-going --fallback --flake $HOME/nixcfg#$(hostname)
    # check for firmware upgrades
    fwupdmgr get-updates
    # print hard drive status info
    sudo smartctl -H /dev/nvme0n1
    sudo zpool status -v -x

  • Yep. Camera situation is shit. I often carry a mirrorless so I can get a nice photo if I need it, but it means a general photo by me is shit since you need that proprietary software. And yet still since I use the headphone jack more than anything, it is a requirement—along with an unGoogled experience for privacy. If you want a jack + unlockable bootloader with flagship specs, Xperia is the only line left.

  • That is a real concern & it seems they are moving to 4 years of updates as well as not rolling out a new phone every year, but given that LineageOS supports the phones, even if I am not getting firmeware updates, I am willing to take that risk since I get more IO.

    The Xperia 5 is a skinny 6.1" & many consider it to be a small phone option in 2024.

  • I saw the SailfishOS support last month. I would have picked up a 10 instead of 5 even with the non-flapship specs to have a way ‘out’ of Android in case. It is quite a suprise Sony is their chosen brand over the more popular option (even if they have worse IO)—butt the bigger shame is not extending support to the flagship 1 & 5 😔