if you’re using the proprietary driver.
if you’re using the proprietary driver.
Void, hands down, if you’re halfway experienced. Nix is cool but complicated and quite unlike amy other system.
Except void doesn’t have systemd, if you really need it, but it’s easy to write your own runit routine.
I must revise my earlier reply. Watching a documentary about George Michael, it seems it was a current and offensive slur in the UK even decades ago. Apparently my childhood was sheltered from homophobia.
That’s pretty much where I’ve landed. Except I use firefox.
Nix and ubuntu have in kernel support. Void’s module build system also prevents this situation. I use nix and void, so have never faced this problem.
I gave up on btrfs when Icouldn’t recover from a full disk situation (years ago, may be better nwo). But zfs tooling is so good, reliable and intuitive, I’d not want to switch anyway.
I’ve not heard it used so, but I imagine younger folk might use it that way, since we adopt US culture so much.
This is an example of the American cultural imperialism someone else was whining about above. In the UK a f@ggot is a type of food. There are adverts on the telly for it. A fag is a cigarette. Gypsy is not necessarily perjorative (it appears as a category on the census). Not sure what tr*p is, but if it’s tramp, that’s a homeless person. Also, a fanny is ladybits.
tlp is enough
Void fits the bill. Debian if you don’t want rolling.