• 4 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • Check this GitHub link for instructions. https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/issues/1530#issuecomment-1605781461

    Once I get home from work this afternoon I will post my docker-compose.yml which has an extra container that automatically deletes the database entry then resets it.

    EDIT: Here is the extra container from my docker-compose.yml

        image: iconfix:latest
          - /bin/sh
          - -c
          - |
            sleep 10
            # Remove Site Icon - be sure to set your postgres password
            PGPASSWORD=<POSTGRESS PASSWORD HERE> psql -U lemmy -h postgres -d lemmy -c "UPDATE site SET icon = NULL WHERE id = 1;"
            # Refresh Site - replace example.com with your sites domain
    	curl -f -sS -H "Host: example.com" http://lemmy-ui:1234 > temp.html
            # Reset Site Icon - Set your postgres password and replace the URL with one that points to your icon
     	PGPASSWORD=<POSTGRESS PASSWORD HERE> psql -U lemmy -h postgres -d lemmy -c "UPDATE site SET icon = 'https://example.com/pictrs/image/2cc85182-5739-4c86-b982-94fc913e80d3.webp' WHERE id = 1;"
          - postgres

    And here is the Dockerfile for building the iconfix image

    FROM docker.io/postgres:latest
    RUN apt update
    RUN apt install -y curl

  • This is an issue that has been present for a long time but recently came back worse with the 0.19 update. It is caused by lemmy-ui failing to load the site icon and it typically happens whenever the the docker container is started/restarted while you have a site icon set. The only fix at the moment is to manually delete the database entry which contains a link to the site image.