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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • This is utterly fascinating. Thank you for providing this link. Funnily enough, my thoughts immediately went to “is Milgram any better?”. Seems like he might be, somewhat. The question for me then becomes:

    • can people be trusted with authority, on a general level? Are there studies to prove / disprove the adage that power corrupts / that people with personality disorders such as psychopathy or narcissism seek out (or thrive in, or are promoted to) positions of power?

    Thank you again, I shall revise my opinion from now on and seek out more studies on the matter.

  • What I find interesting is that reigning in abuse at the behest of bosses / management / leadership would solve a gigantic number of problems in today’s society. ‘Nobody wants to work anymore’ is actually ‘nobody wants to be treated like shit by power-hungry psychopaths’. BUT, it is so difficult / impossible to change the intrinsic human assholification of anyone with power (see Stanford prison experiment), that companies will try anything else.

  • Manjaro XFCE after switching from Windows about 5 years ago. The first 3 months were rough and now when I have to use Windows I can’t believe how badly Microsoft had everyone brainwashed into believing what an OS should be like. It’s such a shame that 95% of the population thinks computer == macos || computer == windows

  • You are completely right that the games industry is a joke, and it’s a tale as old as time that hardware manufacturers love unoptimised shit, so that they can sell more expensive crap.

    As for the 60fps, or should I call it saturating a 60hz display, I have noticed that some games are fine at 60hz and some games feel terrible up until the higher 90s, and around that level I’m usually fine.

    I used to play a lot of quake 3 back in the day and going from 60 to 120 is like two different worlds entirely.

    I think some people pick up on it and others don’t. I used to work in an office where all the monitors were connected via 4k over HDMI 1 and therefore they were all 30hz. Out of a team of 50, only one graphic designer complained about the laggy monitors and everyone else was moving their mice around saying they couldn’t tell.

    To me it was torture. I don’t know where the truth in the matter is. I think console manufacturers long tried to convince everyone that the eye can’t perceive over 30hz, which is insane.

    Maybe now that’s shifted to trying to make everyone believe they need 240hz, but obviously you’re getting diminishing returns at that level. I’ve never seen more than 144 myself, but even in my own testing, I find more than 100 imperceptible. So I know where my personal limit lies.

    For others, maybe younger people, those limits could be higher, who knows. You often hear of people saying they can see monitors and LEDs flicker. I rarely can.

    Back in the 90s I used to play games at 20fps at 640x480, so perspectives can also shift rather dramatically lol

    Lastly, I can only reaffirm that I’d much rather have well optimised, well designed games with a beautiful art direction than the latest SSAO implementation. Beautiful games from 10 years ago are still beautiful games. Whereas path tracing can’t fix your hot pile of AAA garbage…

  • Hmmm, your tone is a bit edgy, but perhaps it was unintentional. The difference between 120fps and 60fps is pretty huge to me. I once had a 4k monitor (on 1440p now), and played on my other 1080p one instead, just for more FPS. Isn’t it a question of preference? Some people prioritise image quality over FPS, some do the opposite. Either is fine, no need to ‘prove anyone wrong’…