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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Imaginary grenades.

    Having porn made of you is imaginary?

    At some point the “it’s just a game” also stops holding water…

    The video game doesn’t produce anything.

    AI is not the cause for generating deep fakes,

    DUIs can be reduced with public transportation. What do you propose reduces… porn fakes?

    Ain’t it interesting how coming up with a consistent framework, makes it applicable to different areas of life?

    Fucking lol.

    My problem with machine learning porn is that it’s artless generic template spam clogging up my feed of shit I actually want to see. But you know, to each their own.

  • its a 45 minute walk to the nearest train station,

    Yeah, this is a really, really, really big problem with designing society for cars. Tons of people live in suburbia, with no mixed zoning, where they’re a 2 hour walk from their nearest church, a 4 hour walk if they want a coffee; and so like you say, driving becomes their only option. It’s the only thing they can do, realistically. And if they ever lose their car somehow, uh, say hello to poverty. Good luck getting a job at that coffee shop 4 hours away.

    In situations where someone who lives very far from a city is visiting someone else very far, cars probably still make some sense. In the OP picture example, though, that is a prime candidate for transit refactoring. The presence of cars there is actually hurting them.

  • There’s a line between a cup and an ocean. I don’t see what that has to do with anything.

    I’m claiming that it’s possible for an artist to use ai in the production of real art.

    As an artist can use a guitar instead of their own mouth. But can an artist’s art be the guitar playing itself… hm. A book in a library is art. But can choosing a book from a library be art? Ah, but what if it takes a long time. Wow, philosophy is interesting.

    The argument here hinges on the definitions of inherently vague words. “Hm, you say a chair must have at least three legs and a seat, but this rock is a place people sit. Hm, what if the rock was sculpted, does it count then? Yes, yes, I am very smart”—This is boring and I don’t care.

    If the script for your movie wasn’t written by people, then I don’t care about it. It’s trash. It’s garbage. I would rather watch one made by people who care. I want people to talk to me with their art. When an AI becomes sentient enough to intend to make something meaningful, then we can revisit.

    Oh right, but you mean the technical caveat for the use of AI tools.

    Joel Haver uses an AI filter to do his rotoscoping. I like Joel Haver just fine.

    The mere presence of an AI filter in his work is not what I consider artful, though.

  • Dude, I don’t care how many iterations a person goes through. I care that the piece contains a bit of their soul.

    The argument you’re making fails to appreciate why two images, one made by gen AI, one by a real human person, both exactly identical pixel by pixel, could possibly be valued differently.

    If you want to know why I seem to lack respect for the prompt artist who spends a 3-month chunk of their life toiling over their latest piece, making everything just so, because some part of them desperately needs to say something and this piece is the only way they can—I would ask you to show me one.

    But further, the prompt artist doesn’t even make it. Even if they did spend the time, credit goes to the AI. The prompt artist is welcome to claim their prompt, I guess, but I don’t often see them sharing those around. Would that even be entertaining?

  • My favorite thing about conspiracy theories is the all-at-once victory these events are supposed to be.

    Like, dissenting opinions are so heavily discouraged that everything gets turned into some 5D mental chess gambit. So you get things like:

    They were trying to kidnap scientists without anyone knowing

    Okay. Kind of elaborate for that, but why not.

    And they made a lot of money.

    O… kay. I guess. Does that mean the money was important to the scientist kidnappi—

    And there was a lot of evidence on that plane they needed gone, too.

    Wow, popping this plane really was a golden egg, wasn’t it?