• 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Or by people formerly paying for their internet service with money that should have been going toward food or heat.

    Losing the $30 monthly discount could force families to choose between broadband and other necessities,


    It’s also important to note that some ISPs created a low-cost service plan specifically for ACP. (It’s reasonable to assume this was possible in part because ACP handled income verification and eliminated the costs of individual billing and credit card payments.) That plan will likely disappear if ACP goes away, leaving poor people stuck paying a bill much higher than the program ever paid.

  • Be the change, homie.

    When someone claims two obviously different things are exactly the same, pointing out that the comparison is idiotic is not combative, homie.

    Edit: More to the point, defending one’s community by pointing out the idiocy of an attack is not combative.

    You might not be paying for software in money but you’re going to pay for it, one way or another.

    Indeed. As I hinted in my comment, and stated more clearly in another one.

  • The difference here is mountains vs. molehills.

    And in most cases, they obviously do have sufficient ability to learn how, because they were able to learn the commercial software they’re currently using.

    As for time, yes, learning always takes time. (Thus my comparison to learning a new commute.) But suggesting that someone learn something new is not stupid or unreasonable, especially if the thing they currently use is not serving them well.

    • In response to that paragraph you added after I replied:

    I don’t know why you would think that cherry-picked and extremely specific scenario is somehow representative of the general subject we’re discussing. Of course situations exist where learning alternative software isn’t the best answer. That doesn’t make it wrong for people to suggest the alternatives. Quite often, they’re perfectly viable, and it’s perfectly reasonable to try to help by making someone aware of them.

  • is exactly like saying “why don’t you just buy a house?” to someone complaining about their landlord.

    What an idiotic comparison.

    Buying a house costs so much money and time that most people cannot afford to, and those who can generally must go into debt for most of their remaining lives in order to do so. Suggesting FOSS to replace “whatever commercial software they use” is the polar opposite, in that it’s literally free (usually in both senses of the word). It’s more like suggesting that someone consider a new route to commute from home to work.

    Also, this opening…

    Okay, all you open source evangelist people: your knee-jerk reaction to come at people

    …is incredibly reductive and combative. The world needs less of that, not more.

  • But really destiny and overwatch complicated??? Those games are for children

    Overwatch might seem that way because of the cartoon style and the low skill floor, but the skill ceiling is somewhat higher. I haven’t met many children who would be good at predicting behavior of high-level opponents and coordinating to counter it, for example.

    I don’t know that I would call it complicated, either, except in the sense that there’s often a lot to keep track of all at once. I think I’d place it somewhere in the middle.