Thanks for your recommendations, also btw your auxio link links to aves instead of auxio
Thanks for your recommendations, also btw your auxio link links to aves instead of auxio
Thanks, I’m trying out NewPipe right now but haven’t quit got the hang of it, though Im not giving up yet, I just don’t feel I can rank it yet.
Also i agree those Fossify apps are great that’s why I included the Fossify suite in A tier. I realise now that maybe they arent all A tier so Here’s my ranking of Fossify apps that fits in with the prior ranking:
Low S tier: Contacts, phone, SMS messenger
A tier: Gallary, file manager, Calendar, Clock, calculator
B tier: paint, voice recorder, keyboard, camera, launcher
Haven’t used enough to rank: notes - no sync and no markdown :( Music player - just haven’t used it much
I would tinker for a bit but definitely not spend any more money on it as it’s not worth the money. Where im from you can often find cheap B&W laser printers on facebook marketplace or another second-hand platform for free or for very cheap.
Laser printers will be much cheaper in the long run so I strongly recommend one. Unfortunately a good colour one is very expensive but old B&W ones like the Brother HL2130 are still great.
Facebook marketplace does suck but sometimes it’s the only/best option, still steals your info tho
I really don’t understand the allure of Kiss launcher, but I guess its not for me.
I’m trying out heliboard since everyone is recommending it. It does seem very good. Might be my new main keyboard.
And I will definitely try out antenna pod as you give it so much praise