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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • luciferofastora@discuss.onlinetoMemes@lemmy.mlOur Computer
    1 year ago

    They probably have to recite a standard company line, gritting their teeth as you both know it’s bullshit.

    I don’t envy customer service reps. Most of them probably didn’t apply for the job because they love Microsoft or enjoy the prospect of fielding frustrated customers’ calls.

  • On the contrary, I am quite ideologically sympathetic. I’ve always used Open / LibreOffice, I no longer use windows, never had a Mac or iPhone or anything, I argued with stakeholders for making our university project FOSS rather than proprietary, the list goes on. I’ve spent enough time arguing with people why they should care about FOSS.

    I’m just also aware of my biases, and of the fact that most people are heavily biased by their UX. Most people don’t want to spend a long time thinking to understand, they simply want to use. And in that respect, bad==proprietary doesn’t universally hold up. Big companies can spend big bucks on user research, on figuring out what does and doesn’t work for their target audience, on developing features that appeal to people. They also can spend big bucks on marketing and cultivating a brand image so that people start to identify with their products, deepening the attachment.

    There is also an unfortunate side effect of FOSS when it comes to setting technical standards: If everyone can make their own, plenty of people will do that. Sure, many things have since been standardised, but how often has a common standard evolved as a side effect of some big corporation(s) adopting or outright developing it?

    I don’t need to preach to you about all the ways this sucks. The unfortunate pragmatic truth is that proprietary software is a poisoned, but quite appealing apple. The most common answer I got about FOSS is “yeah, it sounds great, but I don’t care, I just want something that works for me.”

    Even if their proprietary system of choice got so bad to use that they’d switch to an open one, that doesn’t mean they’d embrace the ideology. It just means that specific system does what they need it to. If iOS becomes unbearable, they may switch to Android, or perhaps to Windows phones, but they’re still gonna install and use apps that feel good to use, regardless of whether they’re FOSS.

    The fight against proprietary software isn’t going to be won on ideological grounds. I feel like some developers and advocates of FOSS miss that fact. If you want to be solid competition, worry about being a viable alternative first. Once people start to use a system that allows them to customise more, they may get intrigued by that liberty and become susceptible to the ideology behind, but unless they enjoy using it already, they’ll never engage with it deeply enough.

  • I’m aware why iOS is bad, thank you. I still don’t wish restrictions on its users. That’s just not a nice thing to do.

    There’s also the argument of lasting improvement: If people switch to other systems, I’d rather see them do it out of a positive motivation (i.e. “this is better”) than a negative one (i.e. “the other one so bad I had to finally jump ship and find a different solution”).

    That motivation will bias your mindset, and a positive mindset will lead to a better user experience. If they just switch because it’s not as bad as the other, that will taint their experience. They’ll be inclined to think about what they miss, rather than what the other offers.

    Example: Me, trying to wrap my head around the communities thing here after leaving reddit. I miss the relative simplicity of finding topical subreddits, which is harder here both because there’s less traffic overall, and because I had a sizeable collection of subs there that I can’t simply migrate here. Part of me wants to return to the familiar hell, even if I rationally understand why it’s shit, and I feel that sours my experience with Lemmy so far.

    Humans tend to prefer the familiar, so if they leave iOS for something better, I want that better thing to land as well as possible, to encourage getting familiar with the new environment and expand their horizons, and to make future leaps in other areas less scary and off-putting.

  • What, 2023-223 for the 223rd day of the year 2023? That… is oddly appealing for telling the actual progress of the year or grouping. No silly “does this group have 31, 30, 29 or 28 members”, particularly the “is this year a multiple of four, but not of 100, unless it’s also a multiple of 400?” bit with leap days.

    You’ll have oddities still, no matter which way you slice it, because our orbit is mathematically imperfect, but it’s a start.

  • Together with hh:mm(:ss) for times and +hh:mm for timezones. Don’t make me deal with that 12am/pm bullshit that doesn’t make any sense, and don’t make make me look up just what the time difference is between CEST and IST. Just give me the offsets +02:00 and +05:30, and I can calculate that my local time of 06:55+03:30=10:25 in India.

  • The whole point of making a federated network of independent instances is to avoid the issues arising with one central instance, right? Putting the content out to multiple instances plays into that: If it’s important content, no single authority can easily censor it, and the loss of a single instance won’t erase it.

    If it’s trash, of course, every community in every instance you post it to will have to clean it up separately. Arguably, that puts more strain on the respective moderation teams, but if (ideally) those are disjunct people (again, to avoid the issues of a single authority), the strain should be distributed.

    And on the plus side, it would enable each community (in the lemmy sense) to enforce their own nuanced rules, additionally leading to slightly more choice between the types of moderation you favour (as opposed to “There’s one big sub, take it or leave it”).

    Individual communities may be smaller, but maybe some more form of coordination of similar communities across instances could amend that (like linking to the other communities in your sidebar etc.).

    I could also imagine a super-community solution that would allow you to aggregate several communities across instances similar to multireddits. I’m new here, so I’m not sure if that exists, nor have I given the implementation any thought, but I suppose that could be convenient.

  • Yeah, automatic voting gets dangerously close to automatic censorship and botting.

    Also, human language, context and nuance is complicated and the unknown error bar on “correctly flagged posts” scares me. It’s not entirely predictable what kind of posts people may make, and accordingly not entirely predictable what the plugin would and wouldn’t recognise.

    A post chain “Madness?” / “THIS” / “IS” / “SPARTA!” may make sense and be fun in the right context, but the “THIS” comment could get botted to hell.