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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • But, we do need to consider the roads we pave and the tools we use

    This is the part that every “lol just turn off the crypto crap, no problem!” responses don’t understand. There are short-term issues, and there are long-term issues. Disabling undesired stuff fixes the short-term issue. Letting Brave build up their market share, at the expense of user-first options, creates long-term problems.

  • I think Heretic crossed with Unreal is an accurate comparison.

    Enemies may have been more plentiful than in Unreal, but movement is much closer to Unreal than Heretic’s DOOM engine movement. And it’s much closer to Unreal than anything in the Quake lineage.

    Also, the weapon arsenal’s style is very Heretic, but the weapon behavior is very Unreal.

    Same with the levels, honestly. Style is Heretic, but the level design itself reminded me of Unreal pretty frequently. (And nothing like the puzzle-heavy, hub-based Hexen)

  • Part of my Reddit exodus plan was to get serious about my RSS setup.

    I’ve settled on:

    • FreshRSS as my feed manager (supported by Reeder app in iOS and MacOS)
    • FiveFilters Full Text extractor
    • rss-proxy site scraper

    I may experiment with some replacements for rss-proxy, as I’ve run into a couple sites it doesn’t scrape well, but FreshRSS and FiveFilters have been smashing successes.

  • In the browser. It’s not confusing to me, but I’m a software developer. Millions of Twitter users aren’t going to make it past the server selection step. And many that do are going to be confused when they click to Follow someone and get a weird popup (because that someone is on a different Mastodon instance) instead of instantly following the person.

    It’s nowhere close to a smooth enough experience for the lion’s share of Twitter users to transition over. I think people that are used to even slightly technical things vastly overestimate what the average end user is capable of handling. These are the people that ask for help to plug in an HDMI cable.