Yo Sheldon is a nice name for your human and he seems well groomed too!
Yo Sheldon is a nice name for your human and he seems well groomed too!
Idk about docs and stuff but for apps the win button-appname-return sequence is pretty much a matter of 1-2 seconds for me
Yeah didn’t know that the function you are describing is the exact way i use it
Aaah i see what you mean even though i dont really care about taskbar real estate off with its head.
Thats how i use it too. Is there anything more to it ?
I literally cannot comprehend how you can use windows without the search bar. Its a total clusterfuck otherwise imo.
Its from Elizabeth my older one is Victor!
Uga uga i dont know anything to do with computers but linux good windows bad give me upvote now uga.
Obsidian is kewl cloud sync aint free though.
You are doing gods work sir!