• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022

  • knfrmity@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlYes, but
    3 months ago

    Varoufakis is just one of many people who have come up with fancy new terms for capitalism and imperialism. It’s not to say that he doesn’t have an important perspective on some things, but coming up with new terms for things defined over a century ago only serves to distract.

  • Political means more than just parties and institutions of government. Society and economy is inherently political. Who owns what is produced and the tools used to produce it is inherently political. Therefore software development, just like any other type or work or other economic interaction, is political.

  • Of course politicians are pro-money. You don’t get to be a politician in a capitalist country without being pro-money, wealthy, and well connected to others who are wealthy.

    Bribery is in most cases legal in the US. It’s called lobbying, or campaign donations, or the revolving door between public service and private industry. It’s also an unsolvable problem given the current economic paradigm. The capitalist class will determine government policy in one way or another, as the government is designed to protect the interests of the capitalist class. The will of the working people is completely irrelevant.

    Russian money, insofar as it does exist in US politics (there’s astonishingly little of it compared to other sources) is drawn to attention by a media that is owned by the same companies and people that are bribing in a much larger way. They call attention to the few thousand dollars a Russian immigrant may or may not have donated to the NRA or a Republican candidate to distract from the billions of dollars Wall Street spends on candidates and kickbacks to make sure they’re the ones who control US economic, financial, and foreign policy. It’s easy to call attention to Russian money because the same media has created an environment in which anything Russian is pure evil, so people don’t even question the content of the story being told. This has its roots in Cold War anti-Soviet propaganda, which has been dug up and repackaged to use against a post-2008 “non-aligned” modern Russia.

  • knfrmity@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWhy is this so difficult?
    6 months ago

    I never said these two things were related nor mutually exclusive.

    I’ll be more explicit.

    Russiagate was a work of fantasy telling a story about a supposed Manchurian candidate, rather than admitting that the Democratic campaign made mistakes and that Trump spoke to genuine issues the US population has (of course without solutions but that’s not the point here).

    Bribes Campaign donations and favours are given to candidates and office holders all the time by interest groups, companies, and wealthy individuals. A donation by JP Morgan or a Koch has nothing to do with the Russiagate fairytale.

  • knfrmity@lemmygrad.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlIs DNS Bloat too?
    7 months ago

    The sites I’m thinking of never had their IPs completely blocked, the DNS entries for the domains were just removed. If you were to switch to a non-EU or self-hosted DNS server you’d get to the site.

    But the domains in question are generally ones the US/EU/NATO propaganda machine has told people are bad, so there’s no outrage when they’re blocked. In many cases there are often cheers.

  • I linked the specific wiki page section in an edit to the main post. It’s in the troubleshooting part at the end.

    I didn’t try the i8k module but looking at a couple things it looks like the issue was more apparent around Linux kernel 4.15 from a few years ago. I also don’t have any specific complaints with temperature control. The fans only ramp up in the 70-80C range which seems to be quite reasonable.

  • The RAM is fine (Memtest ran 4 times without faults), and cooling seems to work well enough. Storage is ok and I used two different SSDs through this whole process and saw the same problems on both.

    I tried the previous known-good kernel options on the Manjaro install and it seems to be OK now. According to the Arch Wiki the Intel 8th Gen mobile CPUs and especially iGPUs are known to be a little problematic on Linux so the kernel options to disable some power saving options are basically non-optional. It’s weird though that it works now and didn’t on the Tumbleweed reinstall.