I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • Yeah but that’s a different scenario all togther. Not all men are dangerous rapists, obviously. But enough are prone to assault and SA that it’s statistically safer to have some random bear (possibly grizzly or teddy) than some random man. If you don’t feel like the random guy walking down the street is dangerous, that’s probably because random men on the street don’t regularly harass you, which is unfortunately still a very common occurance to most women.

  • Well I appreciate your collected response, it’s very common for these type of situations to turn in to a flame war. I entirely feel you and agree that Cruz is not a deadname situation. But after sitting with and pondering your response all day, I think my real rub comes down to the term deadname like thus? I’ll be the first to admit that maybe i, as a trans woman, might be too close or sensitive to be totally objective here. But while I get that you were doing a joke, steaming from it NOT being a deadname situation but treating it as one felt to me as you were thinking it’s funny to actually deadname people. And that just sorta stuck me. Maybe my reply had more to do with me than with you, but this is something I’ve seen a lot lately. It a trans person does something that makes the internet angry, suddenly to a ton of people deadnaming does become fun to them. And I felt like you were going at the same vein.

    You’re right, we are just two passing strangers. And I don’t have to like every comment in the whole of lemmy, but it felt wrong to not say something. Nagged at me when I scrolled away, so I just wanted to clarify. Even though I know those sort of relies only ever get downvotes. 😂

    So you go in peace bestie, I’m sending you all the good vibes and hope you have a wonderful day! ♥ 💕

  • No. Sorry, I know you’re going for a joke and I don’t wanna be a buzz kill. But it’s still messed up to deadname. Doesn’t matter if they are cis, trans or an asshole.

    Look I totally agree he is a massive piece of shit. But so is Caitlyn Jenner and Blair White. Every single person everywhere has the right to their identity and to conceptualize themselves however they wish. And if we make respecting those choices, such as their name, contingent on good behavior that just signals to every trans person watching that we also have conditional respect to exist and function in society comfortable, safely and normally.

    I’m not defending Ted, he is a major PoS, but defending the concept that no one can control how they were born and those circumstances should not be a limitation on how any one wished to live their life.