• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Ah, I assumed there were some areas where Firefox had been found lacking relative to Chromium browsers.

    For me, the current version of any major browser or fork with consistently applied security updates and capability of running the full version of Ublock Origin is sufficiently secure for my threat model. Given that, and that they all offer the feature set I want, wouldn’t it be reasonable to avoid Chromium browsers because I don’t want to encourage the Chromium monopoly?

    That’s only a small fraction of why I use Firefox, to be fair, but suppose for argument’s sake that I don’t care about MV3 extensions, Firefox Containers, etc… Would be it be so wrong for not wanting there to be a Chromium monopoly to be why I chose Firefox or one of its forks?

  • Sure, but the license is limited to uses that “help you navigate, experience, and interact with online content as you indicate with your use of Firefox.”

    Not sure how ads would help with that.

    AI? Sure, if an AI solution did those things. But it wouldn’t be them training on your data. This would be them using your data in AI-powered services, whether that be search (especially relevant if Google is mandated to stop paying them to default to Google); automatic categorization of your web browsing to make Containers more streamlined and effective; or even just having a completely opt-in AI assistant chatbot that can access data entered elsewhere in Firefox once you activate it.

    Worst case I suspect whatever they add will be things you can simply turn off in settings. Ideally it would be opt-in, of course, or at least prompted-opt-out and disabled until first use.

    And there are plenty of things that aren’t ad or AI-related that this could apply to. Heck, this could be part of a step to consolidate licenses for other products - VPN, Pocket, email anonymizers, etc. - and to enable deeper integration of those into Firefox.

  • They put their repo first on the list.

    Right. And are we talking about the list for OBS or of repos in general? I doubt Fedora sets the priority on a package level. And if they don’t, and if there are some other packages in Flathub that are problematic, then it makes sense to prioritize their own repo over them.

    That said, if those problematic packages come from other repositories, or if not but there’s another alternative to putting their repo first that would have prevented unofficial builds from showing up first, but wouldn’t have deprioritized official, verified ones like OBS, then it’s a different story. I haven’t maintained a package on Flathub like the original commenter you replied to but I don’t get the impression that that’s the case.

  • Understandably frustrating, especially if you’re new to investing. But it’s expected that the market will have both ups and downs.

    The best advice I can give is to choose a good investment allocation and then stick to it. Contribute as much as you can each pay period or month and avoid looking at your balance as much as possible. You should figure out a rebalancing strategy, and you’ll probably need to look at your account to do that. Also, see The Best Order of Operations For Saving For Retirement.

    Right now you have unrealized losses, but you haven’t actually lost any money (i.e., you have no “realized losses”) until you withdraw it. As it’s a retirement account and you just started it, I assume you aren’t planning to retire in the next decade, much less the next three years.

    Is this your only retirement account? If so, why have you not been continuing to add money to it? If you wait to do that until the market recovers, you’ll lose out on all the gains between now and then.

    I know you haven’t said you’re considering selling, but I recommend you check out the “Maintain Discipline” section of the Bogleheads investment philosophy, just in case that’s on your mind. I also recommend that you read up on dollar cost averaging (if you’re investing in a retirement plan every pay period, you’re already doing this).

    You pointed out that the entire market has been impacted. I haven’t personally been paying attention in enough detail to confirm that (and my accounts that I just checked have gone up about 10% over the past three years, not down), but if so, that means you could change your asset allocation without selling low and buying high. I’m not saying you should change it, but if you take the time to learn about different investment strategies and decide a different one works for you, it’s nice to not have to sell your current investments while they’re underperforming relative to your new investments. (On the other hand, you can always change the allocation for your future investments without worrying about that.)

    1. I was showing that my understanding of the word “asset” was based in fact. The 4th definition wasn’t relevant to that.
    2. I literally talked about the 4th definition in the next paragraph.

    If anyone’s operating in bad faith, it’s you. Are you drunk? You’re being an intentionally obtuse pedant and a liar (by your own definition). Try replying once you’ve sobered up, clown. Once you reread and realize how much of a dick you were, I’m sure you’ll apologize - unless I’m right about you being too much of a coward to admit when you’re wrong about something.

  • Before I reply to your comment, I’d like to share this link. It didn’t change any of my existing understanding because Linus’s comment already made it clear that this was out of their hands, but maybe it’ll help clarify something for you.

    I realize now that this comment on that post was made before this one (“What’s free about delisting maintainers based on their country of residence?”) by the same person. It’s disingenuous for someone to act like this is about “country of residence” when they already engaged with a post clarifying that it’s because of sanctions against specific companies.

    that you unironically think asset means property

    I unironically think that because it does mean that:

    1. assets plural

    a. the property of a deceased person subject by law to the payment of his or her debts and legacies

    b. the entire property of a person, association, corporation, or estate applicable or subject to the payment of debts


    a. an item of value owned

    b. assets plural the items on a balance sheet showing the book value of property owned

    When I do a search for “state asset,” the results I get are all related to property, resources, etc., things that belong to and can be exploited by the state - for example https://www.epa.gov/dwcapacity/state-asset-management-initiatives-documents

    Searching for “asset” specifically I see a tertiary definition reading “A spy working in his or her own country and controlled by the enemy” as well as the wikipedia definition, but that still means “spy,” not “paid lobbyist.”

    just that incredibly obtuse

    I’d apologize for not being well versed enough in counter-intelligence lingo to properly interpret the comment, but even with a proper interpretation, the comment I replied to was still incoherent, so I’m not really sure what you expect here.

    It feels weird to say that it was incredibly obtuse of me to not spend more time trying to figure out what someone meant when they were, as far as I can tell just mad that Linus and other Linux maintainers didn’t ignore what their attorneys advised, regardless of what impact that might have had on them personally, and spouting a bunch of nonsense as a result.

    Maybe I’m wrong, though. If so, would you care to explain how this was a violation of the GPL and/or how all of the 4 freedoms I listed were violated?

  • Literally none of those freedoms were impacted. Everyone is still free to use the program as they wish, fork it, make changes, etc… Linux doesn’t have a new license that says “anyone but Russians” can use it.

    he then followed up by gloating about Russian maintainers

    How did he gloat? He explained the change. If your complaint is that he was abrasive, I feel like you’re not familiar with Linus.

    Ok, lots of Russian trolls out and about.
    It's entirely clear why the change was done, it's not getting
    reverted, and using multiple random anonymous accounts to try to
    "grass root" it by Russian troll factories isn't going to change
    And FYI for the actual innocent bystanders who aren't troll farm
    accounts - the "various compliance requirements" are not just a US
    If you haven't heard of Russian sanctions yet, you should try to read
    the news some day.  And by "news", I don't mean Russian
    state-sponsored spam.
    As to sending me a revert patch - please use whatever mush you call
    brains. I'm Finnish. Did you think I'd be *supporting* Russian
    aggression? Apparently it's not just lack of real news, it's lack of
    history knowledge too.

    Sounds a lot more like he’s frustrated than delighted to me.

    Calling your former volunteer contributors bots

    He didn’t call the contributors bots.

    He called the people submitting reverts and complaining about those maintainers, who weren’t contributors themselves, “troll farm accounts.”

    and state assets because of their home country

    When did he call anyone a state asset? To be clear, being a troll or a paid actor doesn’t make you someone’s property.

    He also explained that this was a legal matter:

    > Again -- are you under any sort of NDA not to even refer to a list of
    > these countries?
    No, but I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not going to go into the details that
    I - and other maintainers - were told by lawyers.
    I'm also not going to start discussing legal issues with random
    internet people who I seriously suspect are paid actors and/or have
    been riled up by them.