Fushuan [he/him]


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yeah elden ring SotA, I finished all the bosses and all the content but 1 optional boss on saturday, and the last boss yesterday. Good dlc but the balancing is kinda whacky and is has the typical complainers about difficulty, the typical defenders that have not finished the dlc, and then people that have done all bosses that know that the last boss is the most overtuned piece of shit to be ever crafted in ER. The other optional hard boss (bottom right) is also kinda stupid but it’s optional and it does give you SOME breathing room, but the last one is just completely un enjoyable.

  • That stalker had to have access to your google account to do so, you are utterly fucked if that’s the case by that point. Like, why would they need to install a tracking app, when the google findmyphone feature just gives them the info. Anything that the phone stores that isn’t recorded by google pales in comparison to what they have access to with your account.

    That’s like saying that you are saving money by buying a kilo of salt that lasts a year, 50 cents cheaper. Yeah you technically saved money but it’s so irrelevant in the grand scheme of things that you shouldn’t even consider it.

  • Oh I just installed lightdm in arch, disabled whatever I had, enables that service and activated the autologin by writing my username in some files I don’t remember anymore. And that was it.

    Due to some hardware issues I had I even had no service enabled and used to start it manually from a non GUI environment every time I logged on, and it worked fine. Now it’s properly enabled though.