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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Lesson time. In security strategy we have the risk equation. The calculated risk of something is the magnitude of the harm it could potentially do, times the probability of it actually happening, all divided by any prevention measures you have or can take. Nothing is perfectly or inherently safe or unsafe, you always have to calculate the risks taking into account all the factors, and balance risk against operative costs. There’s a lot of economic value in a low risk system that doesn’t require much intervention or maintenance.

  • That’s because he aims at a very specific hyper engaged demographic. The pre-pubescent teenager. Then they keep watching either out of habit or emotional stunting. They might not be a very sofisticated audience, but they are very dedicated. It might be all they watch, they construct their identity around the content they watch and demand parents to spend money on the products pushed to them by their favorite influencers.

    This is not unusual, all generations have done it and diverse agents have capitalized from it. From boy bands, to star wars, Disney kids/adults… They are the unicorn audience in marketing, if you can get your claws on a person during that development stage, you got yourself a consumer of your brand for life.

  • Maybn read the article, chill down a bit. We all hate advertisers here. Everyone trusts Let’s Encrypt, they’re privacy and encryption advocates who run one of the largests online certificates repository. They’re a nonprofit, and they have been doing this for a decade. They’re the reason the internet is a bit safer by promoting widespread implementation of encrypted traffic.

    Sure, anyone can turn bad actor at any time. But this guys are starting from a really high bar and have a really strong reputation.

    Add: also, this is a good step for Mozilla. We want a internet free from Google, and that includes financially. Google puts practically the totality of the money for the Mozilla foundation. Donations don’t come close to the millions needed to develop and support a web browser. A direct relationship with advertisers, under Mozilla’s terms and not the advertisers predatory terms, would be a good thing.

  • This is the format collision discussion that has no solution so far. A tablet that runs windows is counted as Windows. A laptop that runs android does not. Neither does an android cellphone. It all boils down to web browser user agent fuckery. This is why steam’s numbers are more reliable than other sources, they’re direct hardware surveys.

    But the point is that a steam deck is not (but in a way it is basically just) a PC. There are tablets than run desktop interfaces and now there are laptops that can be used as tablet. Eventually the artificial mobile vs. PC/desktop/laptop schism will stop making sense.

  • Almost all anti-cheats work on linux or offer linux integration or builds. It’s the scummy unethical publishers who run the typical games that uses anti-cheat who refuse to pay engineers to make the minimum effort to support linux. Because it would undermine some of their bullshit claims used to manipulate their players. Fortunately for some people like myself, the typical game that requires anti-cheat is not a game they would want to play anyways.

  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI mean it.
    3 months ago

    Well, you see. Those in charge want that apple there. Because when push comes to shove that apple will also kill activists, protestors and political opponents without asking questions or refusing orders. He will keep fellow apples in check and keep them from speaking up as well. They like that apple.

  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlsigh...
    3 months ago

    This is because tech bros only read pop-psy without any regard for context or nuance. So they read a bit about Flow state and ranking for gamification, and as usual they just botched it. Most ranking is typically calibrated for engagement, not fun. Mind you, they are two different characteristics. If you graphed difficulty and skill, flow is a band, not a point, of difficulty, in the middle. The idea is that when you are challenged slightly over your skill, there is something in you brain that stimulates you to keep going under the promise that overcoming the challenge will be rewarding. Too high and people rage quit, too low and people get bored. The problem is that they want maximum engagement and for that the difficulty has to be on the higher end of the band. A frustrated person will return, a bored one most likely won’t.

    They also want to keep people engaged with random and variable reinforcement. The other psychological theory that drives game design, much how behavioral scientist cheat pigeons to keep them engaged pulling a lever or pushing a button. Mix both theories poorly together and you get the awful implementation we see on multiplayer. People are tricked into believing that just because their brain chemicals are screaming at them to keep doing something, it means they are having fun. But that is obviously not true, just nobody ever occurred that those pigeons might be having a awful time. Ask most people on ranked MP or grinding for builds on MMOs if they are having fun and they have no idea why you’re asking them. It has nothing to do with fun, they just want the carrot being dangled in front of their nose.

    I just don’t do online MP anymore because of this. 99% of the time, I’m not having fun. Now if I want to play with my friends or other people, we play tabletop board games. Infinitely more fun and far more satisfying than any online game ever.

  • I do. I track my reading on Storygraph because it motivates me and helps me keep up the habit when I hit a slump or end up with some uninspiring piece. I don’t have to fumble for a new book to read because all recommendations and interests are neatly registered and organized. My progress is tracked and I can celebrate my success. I also have a huge library of digital books, over 2 thousand. By tracking I can keep a log of what I have and haven’t read. Sometimes, after a long while, you forget the names of specific books in series, or where you were last off in a particular author’s collection, etc. It helps with it all. But I don’t connect or share that with anyone. Nor do I feel the need to push it on anyone. Friends and acquaintances are not that into reading as I am and they see no use for a social network about books, and I don’t want nosy strangers rummaging though my reading history.

  • It cannot integrate with or handle existing VoIP services, receive or answer phone calls, handle land and cellular switches and terminals, and it cannot route or transfer calls (audio or video) automatically. It doesn’t handle automated away time messages or rerouting, auto-replys to chat, it cannot serve users external of the organization. And those are only the few things I use daily, sure there must be many more things that Skype can do an Teams just doesn’t because it’s a slack and zoom hybrid. It just doesn’t fit the role Skype has in my org and it’s why we continue to run both together until the very second the Skype servers are finally shut down.