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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • dgmib@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI hate the rich
    10 days ago

    It depends on the jurisdiction, but in most cases if you have a salaried position with say 3 weeks of PTO but you only take 2 weeks of it. The employer is usually required to pay you over and above your salary for working during your “vacation time”.

    If there’s an unlimited PTO policy, they don’t have an obligation to pay you extra for working during vacation time.

  • dgmib@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI hate the rich
    11 days ago

    It’s a lie.

    By making it “unlimited” they don’t need to pay you out of you don’t use all of PTO days.

    If you use it more than they think you’ve earned you get terminated.

    Employees end up afraid of taking their PTO days and typically end up taking even less time off than if they knew there was a expectation of 3 weeks or whatever.

  • I question the methodology here. The same site lists Linux desktop share at 2% in my country specifically. It feels like if it was that high you’d see it on people’s laptops more in coffee shops and what not… but I’ve yet to see a single other person using Linux on the desktop.

    I know most of that 4% is in India… but still feels like it should be more ubiquitous if the number is that high.

  • dgmib@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml6÷2(1+2)
    9 months ago

    I concur with everything you’ve written here.

    I concur that a left-to-right interpretation of consecutive explicit multiplication and division is wide spread and how most calculators and computers would interpret:

    a / b * c.

    But the sources you quote in your blog post and the style guides I’ve read, state that a fraction bar or parenthesis should be used to clarify if it should be interpreted as:

    (a / b) * c


    a / (b * c)

    You make the argument in your post that:

    a / bc

    is ambiguous (which I agree with)


    a / b * c

    is not ambiguous. Which is the part I disagree with, and I think the sources you quoted disagree with you as well. But I’m open to being wrong about that and am interested if you have sources that prove otherwise.

    If I’m understanding your response correctly, you believe that

    a / b * c

    is unambiguous, and always treated like

    (a / b) * c

    because of a wide spread convention of left-to-right interpretation (a convention that we both agree exists), not because you found a source that states that.

    Anyhow… I’m not out to convince you of anything and I appreciate you taking the time to explain your thinking to me.

  • dgmib@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml6÷2(1+2)
    9 months ago

    I would be particularly interested if you found something in a mathematical style guide that recommended an expression like

    ( a / b ) * c

    Should be re-written as

    a / b * c

    Generally speaking, style guides advise rewriting equations for maximum clarity. Which usually includes a guideline of removing parentheses when their existence isn’t needed to clarify intent.

    I believe, and I’m particularly interested to see if you found evidence that my understanding is incorrect, that the LTR convention used by calculators and computer programming languages today exists because a deterministic interpretation is a requirement or the hardware, not because any such convention existed prior to that or has been officially codified one way or the other by any mathematics bodies.

    So like, forget division for a sec…

    In a mathematics paper, you usually wouldn’t write:

    (a + (b + c)) + d

    You’d write:

    a + b + c + d

    (Except perhaps if in your paper the parentheses made it easier to follow how you got to that equation.)

    Because in mathematics, it will never matter which order you do additions in, so you should drop the parentheses to improve clarity.

    On a computer or a calculator though you might get a different result for those two equations like if a+b overflows your accumulator and c is a negative number, or when these are floating points values with significantly different magnitudes.

    I believe english speaking engineers just adopted LTR as the convention for how to interpret it since they had to do something, and the english language is a LTR language. I don’t believe that convention exists outside of the context of computing.

    The Wolfram quote and ISO quote in particular that you have in your post imply that an inline division followed by an explicit multiplication is ambiguous as to if it should be interpreted as a compound fraction.

    If that’s correct, then it would be the inline division that makes it ambiguous, not the implicit multiplication that makes it ambiguous.

    If there’s some source from before computers, or outside of the context of computers forcing a decision. Then your assertion that it is the implicit multiplication causes the ambiguity is correct.

    I’m not trying to prove you’re wrong, I’m just genuinely curious which it is. And if you found evidence one way or the other.

  • dgmib@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml6÷2(1+2)
    9 months ago

    My apologies, I wasn’t trying to spar with you friend, just trying to understand why a/b*c wouldn’t also be considered ambiguous, particularly since an author could have written a*c/b and removed any doubt.

    In your blog post you also quoted ISO

    In such a combination, a solidus (/) shall not be followed by a multiplication sign or a division sign on the same line unless parentheses are inserted to avoid any ambiguity.

    You seemed to speak rather definitively that it’s only ambiguous when combined with implicit multiplication.

    I agree that almost all calculators and programming languages will interpret consecutive explicit multiplications and divisions with left-to-right precedence.

    But as far as I’m aware no such LTR rule has global agreement in mathematics, I was curious if you found something in your research that says otherwise.

  • dgmib@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml6÷2(1+2)
    9 months ago

    Will you accept wolfram alpha as credible source?


    Special care is needed when interpreting the meaning of a solidus in in-line math because of the notational ambiguity in expressions such as a/bc. Whereas in many textbooks, “a/bc” is intended to denote a/(bc), taken literally or evaluated in a symbolic mathematics languages such as the Wolfram Language, it means (a/b)×c. For clarity, parentheses should therefore always be used when delineating compound denominators.

  • dgmib@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml6÷2(1+2)
    9 months ago

    What is your source for the priority of the / operator?

    i.e. why do you say 6 / 2 * 3 is unambiguous?

    Every source I’ve seen states that multiplication and division are equal priority operations. And one should clarify, either with a fraction bar (preferably) or parentheses if the order would make a difference.

  • dgmib@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml6÷2(1+2)
    9 months ago

    You state that the ambiguity comes from the implicit multiplication and not the use of the obelus.

    I.e. That 6 ÷ 2 x 3 is not ambiguous

    What is your source for your statement that there is an accepted convention for the priority of the iinline obelus or solidus symbol?

    As far as I’m aware, every style guide states that a fraction bar (preferably) or parentheses should be used to resolve the ambiguity when there are additional operators to the right of a solidus, and that an obelus should never be used.

    Which therefore would make it the division expressed with an obelus that creates the ambiguity, and not the implicit multiplication.

    (Rest of the post is great)

  • dgmib@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlF#€k $pez
    10 months ago

    Total monthly posts exploded after Spez enshitified Reddit, and is still growing steadily month over month.

    That suggests that the current decline in monthly active users is primarily because lurkers who only came to lemmy after initially hearing about it on Reddit, went back to lurking Reddit.

    The number of users that are contributors is still growing, and that’s what’s important.