Indie games ive tried work well, which is pretty good. A big factor for using windows is Gamepass and my slow internet, where it is more convenient to play the downloaded games under windows.
Other than that its a bit of sim racing in/and VR. Im also doing a bit of CAD Stuff with Fusion 360 and my experience with Free CAD wasnt very good.
Most of this is probably a simple getting used to it process, but so far dualbooting works quite well.
You can totally go 250km/h on the A5 from Frankfurt to Darmstadt, if traffic allows it. That wont always be possible, but typically if it isnt during work traffic, 160-200km/h is doable comfortably, even on other parts of the Autobahn
The longest unrestricted part that ive driven should be the A71, where you can go longer passages without restrictions, save for the tunnels.