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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Absolutely right. I would not judge you if I saw you at the supermarket. But this dude is the face of a fashion and beauty brand. They are pushing this body type (rarely occurs naturally in healthy folks like you) and mostly occurs on people with health problems. In a way they are pushing a non healthy image to many people that are not like you. I would even dare to say you are a very minuscule porcentage of people with this body type that are 100% healthy so this is being pushed to folks that have lovehandles and now they hate themselves.

  • I have a water container I need to take care of in my house. An ultrasonic sensor hooked to my raspberry 3b uploads the collected data to my vps that later serves an html through Flask to show the water level. It has a few alarms so that I can take action at the appropriate time. The ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 suck and I have to replace them quite frequently. Other then that it works really well.