CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿

Cashew nuts are the best nut

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Nevermind I found it.

    There’s like three guys.

    Oh no. There’s an American with a stupid name called “Forthewyn”. WTF does that even mean?

    Oh god he’s from “Masachooshits” or whatever it’s called. Can we kick that guy? I hate Americans. They shoot people for no reason and their king is a talking citrus fruit.

    Nope we need to ban that guy. I’m not even sure Americans have electricity. It’s all horses and oil lamps on ranches.

  • Humankind just straight up fell on its face.

    Hol up! I fucking loved Humankind - I dunno why people hate on it. I think if you play it without expectations of playing Civ then it’s a great game in it’s own right. It’s got some neat features and cool gameplay mechanics. It’s also got a nice clean UI.

    Civ may have more depth but it’s on it’s 6th iteration and it’s UI is still a confusing mess.

    Granted I didn’t pay for it so maybe I’m biased!

  • I fucking loved maths mechanics which is like applied maths/physics. So you’d calculate the distance a ball is thrown or a cannon ball dropped from a cliff. Don’t think we ever did matrices in it though. I enjoyed it so much I’d do excersizes in the book for fun!! That and politics were the only courses I was passionate about.

    But I became a software dev that didn’t use maths or politics. :/

    So from age 5-17 I hated maths cos I saw no point in it. Until I hit 17 and someone said I can work out how fast a fucking cannon ball travels on impact?! I mean holy dog shit! If someone told me that in primary school I’d have loved maths!

    It was very much taught as a means to answer questions though rather than application. So as an adult I’d have to be shown how a number could be found using algebra. But because it wasn’t in an algebra question format it went over my head. It literally required someone taking numbers I’d been given and putting them in a line with letters before my brain engaged to “Oh shit - algebra! I know this!”.

    Another example is differentiation. I recently looked up my notes and remembered it was told to us very mechanically: f(x) = 4x^3 => f'(x) = 4(3x^2) = 12x^2

    No idea why that’s the case - it just is.

    It’s a shame cos I learnt I love maths at 17 but by that point I’d lost years of potential.

    P.S. any advice on where I can re-learn real-world maths? I’d love to redo my teens maths learning for fun.