You can’t have errors if you don’t have logs 🤗
New Yorker navigating the labyrinth of telecom with a knack for enterprise networking. Python and Linux aficionado, Apple devotee. Currently leveling up in the realm of DevOps. A Yankees enthusiast in my downtime 🌐🚀
You can’t have errors if you don’t have logs 🤗
I get it - complaints about complaints, the ‘Inception’ of discourse, right? 😄 My aim was less ‘moan-fest’, more ‘awareness-raising’. But I see how it could have come off as one more tiresome rant. Point taken.
Downvoting? Sure, it’s a tool, but it feels like trying to empty an ocean with a bucket. As a community, can’t we aim higher? Maybe introduce more efficient levers? Let’s not just ‘downvote and move on’, let’s ‘upvote and move up’. Let’s brainstorm and pull this platform to greater heights.
I have scrolling issues on voyager as well on my iPhone 14 Pro Max. I’m sure it will get better with time. This bug has also been a major nuisance.
Good luck on your CCNA! That’s where I started my journey many years ago and I will never regret it.
Paying $15 for that wrap is the real crime. Why do you shop there?
I use pihole running on an esxi server for dns. In pihole you can create local dns records which is exactly what you’re trying to do. It’s very lightweight, you can run it on about anything.
Last year, at the International Space Development Conference, a NASA official said the agency had begun a short-term study evaluating the prospects of space-based solar power. This was the agency’s first real look at the subject in about two decades. However, that study has not been released publicly, as there were apparently some policy concerns about the first draft. The revised study may finally be released in late June or July.
Source without paywall?
If Twitch taught us anything, this is just the beginning.