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Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • antidote101@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThis game came out in 2000.
    5 months ago

    I think they’re saying it’s punk rock to hate women and screw poor people over, whilst being racist and bigoted in every way possible.

    Aka it’s punk rock to have no idea about the history and political aspects of punk rock.

    …in fairness, Johnny “I do butter commercials now” Rotten agrees. Which gives “God save the queen” a whole different quality.

  • antidote101@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlGentoo bans AI-created contributions
    5 months ago

    Lots of companies will do this, eventually advertising the purity and the size of their human created training data.

    These will be the companies selling their content to AI companies, although some will probably just be scanned in illegally. Perhaps a new type of copy write lawsuit will have to be invented.

    Most people will continue to use these sites, aware their data is being used like this.

  • Start by dismantling the housing market. Make owning multiple investment properties illegal, initially give a “sale by” time ordered by the government, if it’s not met, the government bid must be accepted. That bid should initially be at the low end of the Market but as time goes on, and this opening move at dismantling Capitalism leaves the news cycle that bid should drop to half the market value.

    Make housing a right, drastically subsidizing the cost of home purchase on a sliding scale so it’s cheapest for the poorest.

    During this process, more and more people will have the government for a landlord. For these people offer rent-to-buy schemes, where the rent dollars are paying the mortgage price. Once an amount is paid, the renter gets the deed to the home.

    Soon all home sales would be done for people to use the actual properties being bought, and homelessness would be greatly reduced.

    I say all this because to dismantle Capitalism you need a feasible plan for all the sectors being targeted.

    But most of all you need this plan so you can demand your leftist party to take action on it. You need something to point to, and say THIS, this is what we want you to do. Saying “dismantle Capitalism” is not enough.

    …and in all honesty, you’ll most likely have to run for office, and create the party yourself if you want anything like this to happen.

  • There’s a bunch of investigations and court cases going on still, but what we do know is that there’s hard evidence that Trump wanted to accomplish the goal of staying in office, and was already asking people to use illegal conduct to achieve that goal… Which was high treason.

    He was asking for elector’s to produce counts that give him more votes, he was asking Pence to go against his constitutional duties.

    Some participants involved in J6 did appear to be trying to breach baracaded and protected areas (many of those participants had professional training as police, and military personnel others were from militias). A security guard (who turns out was a Capitol Hill Police Officer, named Eugene Goodman) was protecting an area of the senate where the ballot custody chain was, and did misdirect protestors away from areas the custody chain travels through.

    To my mind that sounds like there was motive, an expressed goal, ongoing attempts, and people with the right training who were at the right place and time.

    Are there any confessions? Not to my knowledge. Have their been convictions of interrupting congressional business, and was that business the certification of vote counts that decide who the President of the United States of America is?

    Yes. Absolutely.

    Will there be more convictions on the matter? I think we’re all waiting to see. There may be a push to leave some until the next President is in office, as to not further upset the processes and stability of American democracy.

  • I’m not even American, but by intercepting the ballot count before it could be certified by the Senate, which was being done in the exact place they were directed to protest at (and that a particular security guard, one individual alone, was smart enough to lead them away from). As I recall they came as close as just a few hallways away from where the count box was being transported.

    Had they successfully intercepted it, that could either lead to Trump having more time to position/submit false electors or their ballots… The plot of which was already rolling.

    He could either stand up appearing to save the day with fraudulent duplicates of the ballot counts (pushing his ballot count via the loaded supreme court, where bribery scandals are both currently ongoing and rife) , or try to convince Pence that this interruption/destruction in ballot count certification made things more constitutional.

    That particular day was legally significant as it was the final step in the authentic chain of custody over the as yet uncertified ballot count. Interrupting that chain of custody would have raised questions, as I believe the constitution provides room for ballot counts to be given on the elector’s authority alone, and that it’s the process of the VP and Senate verifying and authorising them as the official/valid count results that actually certifies them as the true and only valid Presidential Election results (the True account of who is President).

    So Trump both had been attempting parts of this plot already, had already asked Pence to do it (I believe he called him a “pussy” for not doing it), and it was really only Pence’s refusal that prevented it being a coup. Interrupting the ballots may have been a “Plan B” to recover from Pence’s refusal.

    Very lucky that Pence is a staunch constitutionalist and wasn’t pressured into going along with it, and then in lieu of that, that one security guard lead protestors away from the as yet uncertified ballot count box. That may have been all there was between having a sanctified election result, and one that was constitutionally, and legally, in doubt.

  • …and everyone elses point was “that’s not the topic”.

    You’re addressing a statement “there’s never been any violence from any leftwing movement ever” that no one was making… And doing so across multiple comments so it makes it look like you’re trying to make it the topic, but still just wasn’t the topic or a things anyone was claiming.