I worship a shitload of deities and you should too
rpms were a pain for me when i transitioned as well but I’ve learned to love them
because the snap folder in your home directory by default starts with a lowercase letter while all the other folders start with uppercase (hidden folders don’t count)
all other reasons are secondary
tfw unironically using the word triggered
So are ars technica and gizmodo, which are also just giant Apple advertisement sites
Poor Nero never got to tell his side of the story
that sucks
While I do completely agree, changing ports is more about getting rid of low-hanging fruit so some script kiddie doesn’t get into 22. But again I do agree with everything you said.
I was being extremely facetious
Cool, fleeing one megacorp run by a huge tool for another megacorp run by a huge tool
Probably bc Macs cost twenty times the average annual salary there
Good one. Just keep in mind that white text with a black outline can be read on top of any image
Is blocking people illegal in your country
Eh this is one of those times that a broken tankie clock is correct