sometimes I talk about video games. RIP

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • It’s really the kind of game that either requires a significant in-game tutorial and very long ramp up (and you’re right, even with all the info in the current tutorial it’s not all inclusive) or it requires someone to bounce questions off of, which is the far superior way to learn, even though it’s far less accessible.

    Once you’ve learned it, though, I actually don’t think it’s all that complicated, it’s just such its own beast that someone coming from nothing would have a hard time wrapping their head around the whole loop and all of the systems, but once you do one time it’s like riding a bike.

    The pause menu in Rise is if you press start, it’s the bottom option on one of the menu tabs, it’ll only show mid mission, so trying to find it in the village is pointless. But if you found a workaround that works too.

    Also, yes, the free game breaking gear with no clear indicators is fucking stupid. I understand why it exists, but it trivializes the experience for so many new players due to the way its implemented that I think it should never have been created. I get wanting to get to end game fast if you’ve done it before, but the consequences are absurd.

  • I love this series. First played 4 Golden on the Vita, and it was really something that connected with me. I loved the combination slice of life and intriguing mystery, and the characters and voice acting really drew me in. It took me years to actually finish that game, and I’m about halfway through 3 Reload and 5 Royal as well.

    However, biggest thing we need to mention here? The soundtracks. Holy fucking shit, these games have the best OSTs I ever damn heard, as someone who plays bass and loves acid jazz and other adjacent music every game hits the spot in different ways.

  • Nothing about Lemmy would suggest people would like Epic anymore than any other place on the internet. Their exclusivity deals have the potential to upset anybody regardless of what website they post on, so while there’s absolutely a degree of hivemind hatred, it’s rooted in understandable reasons.

    That being said, it’s disingenuous of that person to imply that Epic never gives any good reasons to use the platform, the biggest being the waves of free games they put on “sale” from time to time, though you could go down another rabbit hole of whether thats really something that would make gamers want to use the platform, or if it’s just a nice bonus people pop in to claim while still spending their money on Steam when it comes to actual purchases.

  • For me, Fallout 3’s setting and atmosphere is more interesting to me. Plus nostalgia plays a much heavier aspect since it was my first Bethesda Fallout and the premise and mechanics of the world were more novel.

    Gameplay wise 4 blows both of the others out of the water for me due to the addicting loop of collecting salvage and modifying equipment, along with the shooting finally becoming enjoyable in its own right.