alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlScary
    11 months ago

    We mostly don’t, neither do you.

    Caliber is decimalized inches

    Gauge is 1.67 over the cube root of the diameter in inches. Technically it’s derived from lbs since the number refers to the number of lead balls the width of the barrel you’d need to equal 1 lb. Eg, a 12 gauge is the width of a 1/12th lb ball of lead.

  • The US created south korea out of thin air at the end of WWII, literally just drawing a line on a map.

    Then they both held elections. The south’s election was rigged by the US, who used their sway at the UN (the USSR was boycotting at the time and PRC still hadn’t been accepted) to get South Korea’s puppet state recognized as the gov’t of all Korea, including the parts that didn’t even have the US’s sham elections. As preparation to invade the north, the US purged any non-compliant elements from the gov’t (going so far as to put compradors who’d worked for Japan during occupation in high ranking positions) and carried out massacres of elements likely to side with communists (such as rural villages that lead communal lifestyles).

    The north saw America was coming for them and the longer they waited, the worse position they’d be in.

    1. That was over half a century ago. The state and media apparatus are different now. A local jail isn’t going to run out of capacity, now they just call in buses from nearby prisons. The msm ignores, distorts, or outright lies about you when they don’t like your objective.

    2. The civil disobedience was a tiny part of the whole action. Same with Rosa Parks, the organizers looked into these people’s backgrounds so the media would have difficulty portraying it negatively and communicated with aligned newspapers beforehand to ensure enough favorable coverage so they’d have the first word.

    3. These actions weren’t done in isolation. The point of peaceful protest is to create a credible threat and offer a more peaceful alternative. The civil rights act wasn’t passed because the oppressor just had a change of heart, it was passed after every city burned for a week after MLK’s assassination when politicians saw people who looked just like them getting beaten to death in the streets.