Won’t be any change this time around
Get out of here with that defeatest attitude. Labor fought hard to get a 5 day - 40 hour standard workweek, you can do so too
Won’t be any change this time around
Get out of here with that defeatest attitude. Labor fought hard to get a 5 day - 40 hour standard workweek, you can do so too
Nah, it’s fat. That’s why polar animals have blubber
It’s really not that complicated. If you don’t want to pay to use a service, that’s your perogative, but it’s not a deceptive trade at all.
The website gets to avoid bots spamming forms, you get access to the forms, and Captcha gets some training data. Everyone benefits
The service is free to use
No it isn’t.
My access to it is not conditional to my authentic participation in unpaid labor
Yes it is, and you’re being paid by access.
Is paying in labor instead of money such an alien concept to you?
Way to throw a shit fit over paying 5 seconds of labor to use a service
I think I meant to reply to the OP, sorry. Your comment is great, and I like it much more.
That’s a nice thought, but what comes across is “Your current problems aren’t important, now support my fringe political view”
Is “Try to make the world a better place” really so high a bar?
So instead do nothing and circlejerk how miserable you are?
And at no point did I advocate for doing something trivial. I said pick one thing that’s important to you and put your effort into that. Do you think poor people deserve homes? Volunteer your time on weekends to build them through organizations like Habitat for Humanity. Do you think that’s just a bandaid over a societal wound? Find a group of like-minded people and try to fix that deeper wound.
My recommendation is to pick one problem and focus on it. Don’t feel like you need to fix everything in the world, just make a small part of the world better. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, clean up litter, canvas for a ballot measure you care about. Doing nothing while agonizing over how much is to be done helps nobody.
See, that’s what I mean. You treat The Revolution as an inevitability, then twist yourself into knots to justify why it hasn’t happened yet.
In my opinion, Marx wrote his conclusion first, then cherry picked the points in history that supported his conclusion.
I can’t fathom the arrogance of people who say “Marx just didn’t think of x, y or z”
Please, enlighten me how I said that
Why shouldn’t I? I stand by my original point and you’ve done nothing to rebut it
Oh ok, what I really meant was:
In my opinion, Marx wrote his conclusion first, then cherry picked the points in history that supported his conclusion.
In my opinion, Marx wrote his conclusion first, then cherry picked the points in history that supported his conclusion.
Nothing in that implies what you’re accusing me of
The economy of Vietnam is a developing mixed socialist-oriented market economy
That doesn’t sound very communist to me, and I’ve heard plenty of times that a mixed economy isn’t a socialist one at all.
Or is that only when it’s a European country?
I like to dramatically die when my cat gets me around a corner, i think it makes him feel accomplished