About bloody time. Containers are fine for on the fly use - for checking what pages look like logged out, or visiting a link that you don’t want affecting algorithms etc. but for separating personal and work and whatever else, profiles are the way to go. It’s actually already pretty easy to add ‘about:profiles’ to the toolbar but the more accessible they make it, the better.
I look forward to profiles also making it to the Android app 5 to 10 years from now.
LineageOS 20 on the Nokia 4.2. The only option for this phone besides LineageOS 19 and it’s one of these cases where the dev just stopped updating anything and deleted their XDA profile. Might go back to vanilla but the problem is that’s a downgrade in Android version too.
This whole phone is a regret. My previous phone had just died unexpectedly and it was a spur of the moment purchase with a low budget, based on nostalgia for a ‘Nokia’ that doesn’t actually exist anymore. Should’ve just gone for a cheap Samsung and I probably would’ve at least had more choice in custom firmwares.