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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Being real? Sponsor ads in video are fine by me. It’s no different than tv and radio did for ages. The individual vidiots hawking whoever sponsers them just isn’t an issue. It’s as easy the tune out as radio spots used to be.

    If YouTube’s direct ads weren’t fucking obnoxious, I wouldn’t even object to those, but they crossed into obnoxious a decade ago with those.

    It’s the freaking combined wall of ads that happens when it’s all together that is infuriating. You’ve got ads before a video, during, it, after it, splashed new below and beside it. It’s just crap, and gods forbid you misclick and go back, it starts all over again.

  • So, let’s get this straight.

    You rolled up into someone else’s house and brought in some stuff they don’t want there.

    They took that stuff, threw it out the door, but didn’t toss you out.

    You then jumped their shit in their living room, and you’re surprised you aren’t allowed over any more.

    And, now, you’re on the street corner complaining about it.

    My dude, the way people throw around “power tripping mod” when what really happened is just the mod don’t what they’re there for, the phrase has lost all meaning. At this point, when someone says that, you don’t even have to read further because it’s a damn near guarantee that it’s just someone that didn’t like the mod decision.

    Now, a c/ should have rules up, so that anyone rolling up knows what is and isn’t cool there. Kinda like everyone knows not to bring up religion or politics at my dinner table, or they get uninvited and possibly have bread thrown at them. Maybe even something messier.

    It really doesn’t matter what the forum is, there has to be moderation because people are assholes. That’s just how we do as a species. Without moderation, shit devolves into slapfights and pissing contests. Which ruins the forum for everyone.

    I’d rather have a power tripping mod than deal with twits stirring shit and starting drama