What is this, 2012? Grow up, OP.
What is this, 2012? Grow up, OP.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here
Yes, because you’re so blinded by your indoctrination that you can’t accept the flaws of “your” side.
Idk about equally, but often enough, both sides are indeed wrong.
Arguments for what? There are plenty of good arguments in the comment I’m responding to.
You are absolutely correct. And just to prove your point, some American is definitely going to accuse you of being right-wing (since most of lemmy is left) for pointing that out.
Not necessarily a bad place, but definitely one with a huge oil industry
Have you tried, idk, not being an asshole?
Who cared about Marx? He wrote a book. He didn’t lead a country. Nobody cares about theories when they don’t hold up in practice. And they never have.
Maybe you should have actually read that article before linking it. It discusses in detail the reasons for malnutrition being an issue, and none of those reasons is being unable to afford food. The problems are typically due to age and diseases.
Didn’t take much to stop a system dreamed up by idealists and idiots from working. The very concept is flawed.
I said it doesn’t happen in the west, not that it doesn’t happen anywhere. Please learn to read.
No need to refute Marx, reality has already proven time and time again that communism doesn’t work in practice.
Btw your argument only applies to “pure” capitalism, without any government interference. Homelessness is not really an issue in many European countries.
None? People don’t starve to death in western countries. And where they do the issue is lack of infrastructure. A communist government couldn’t conjure the resources needed to build that out of thin air either.
Hm. Good point.
but if late and early cancel each other out, wouldn’t the result be 2*booking?
Based pope