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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023

  • Which is why I’m saying it isn’t malicious on their part. Calling it malicious implies that they are ignorant out of spite. There are people like that, and many people who are malicious in taking advantage of them, but my 70 year old coworker who just doesn’t understand LGBT people and hasn’t talked to enough black people in their life isn’t malicious, just purely ignorant and scared of change.

  • The problem is, a lot of the people who support these people are just… Stupid

    I have known many a coworker who talked about voting for trump and every time I engage them in conversation about it I realize all their genuine beliefs are against the GOPs policies entirely. They just are scared of things they don’t understand and like them talking about how scary minorities are.

  • People use a lot of proprietary software because it’s their job, why would you want to use a program requiring you to relearn an entire operating system, is more difficult to initially setup and generally has less features and support when you can just… Use the thing that works? I understand where you’re coming from but there’s a lot of fields where using Linux is just not reasonable and your response here is just obnoxious and part of why Linux has the reputation it does

  • Actually they really don’t love the rising temperature at all, because that combined with human activity directly is killing a lot of their food sources, which is why many are endangered. Wasps are important pollinators as well as bees, so if they go it will make life even more difficult for a lot of different flowers. Also, how often are you actually stung by wasps or hornets? Do they actively hunt you down and attack you? I’ve spent many calm evenings sitting and watching wasps fly around various flowers and bushes right next to me and never been bothered by them.

    Thinking we just need to save honey bees is kind of like thinking we need to save cows from extinction, they’re domesticated.