That’s where I found my current top contenders. Nothing had exactly what I’m looking for, which is why I turned here. It probably just doesn’t exist, but doesn’t hurt to ask.
That’s where I found my current top contenders. Nothing had exactly what I’m looking for, which is why I turned here. It probably just doesn’t exist, but doesn’t hurt to ask.
I use joplin with joplin server running through a reverse proxy in a docker container. I love it. It also supports encryption, so you could use a more convenient service like Google drive and still be assured of your privacy.
This was the answer, but it seems to be bugged on the current samsung OS. Every time I lock my phone it comes back and I have to toggle that notification category on and off again. Blocking notifications from the app wholesale gets rid of them, but I’m worried I’d be turning off something important if I did that.
This has a lot of promise!