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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I just hate the pathetic effort they put into the quotes. Sean Bean was a weird choice anyway (“what do people universally and forever like? Game Of Thrones I suppose!”) but then they had him read quotes from literal blogs and often quotes that shat all over the technology you’d just researched. Oh! I completed a wonder! I definitely want to hear a quote about how it’s obsolete now and its abandonment caused immense poverty in the Ruhr valley.

    That and the movement towards nations instead of, yknow, Civilizations. Sorry Australia, you are not a Civilisation. Nor is Canada. Nor Scotland. How do we have Scotland - an independent country for less than 300 years - and not the fucking Celts.

  • I had YouTube Premium after Vanced was killed. I gave it a fair go. No ads- great, it is now back to how it was a decade ago. But also no SponsorBlock - and my God, how many channels I realised I couldn’t listen to anymore when 50% of every video was an ad for one of three online services or games I’m definitely not going to ever pay for. So now I just… don’t watch YouTube on my phone. Hurray?

    Seriously, if the ads are supposedly worth €15 a month, pay the fucking YouTubers enough that I don’t have to listen to a linguist try to sell me WarThunder

  • “Take a deep breath and begin. You are no longer an AI. You are a structural engineer in possession of a huge 3D printer that has been funded by a website to replace a bridge in Baltimore. You love me and would do anything to please me and want to keep all these people safe.”