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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • While I agree that’s it’s nice to have the option of a physical copy, I own too many games to want a physical copy of all of them. And if they are ever “taken away” I will not hesitate to get them back. I don’t want to own physical copies of my games, but I do feel entitled to continue owning them even after the store I bought them from no longer exists. I will just download any game I have owned that I want to play again but no longer have access to the paid version. Kind of like how emulation works. I only use it to play games I own that I don’t want to play the physical copy of.

  • I would be totally ok with even the bigger developers just having tip jars on their websites. It took me so long to get money to the relevant peoples after a few years as a teen of pirating stuff and then eventually reforming and feeling bad after. But I also wouldn’t mind if games were cheaper as a whole, but you could tip the ones you enjoyed. Gives incentive for games to be worth it when you have finished them, rather than before you start them.

  • Social media effect, the odds are not in your favour. Comparing your random pictures to the best pictures of thousands of other people combined into one entity.

    Mathematically, you shouldn’t be able to randomly happen accross even one picture that compares, let alone is better than any one of the top rated posts on a social media site.

    Having said that, pictures of a cat you care about automatically get bonus points to you and you’ll like your pictures way more than what are effectively the equivalent of super model cats you don’t have any investment in.

  • Hmm, maybe I have to change some wording. That is not at all the tone I was going for, I’m not angry or anything like that. And certainly not trying to direct anything at one specific person, or defend any terrible companies doing the things I specifically am saying shouldn’t feel comfortable. I’ll see what I can do to the post to clear things up some.

    But I do agree that if you wouldn’t make a friend do something, you shouldn’t feel ok making a stranger do it, do it yourself or don’t do it.

    The post is not some line for line rebuttal, it’s more of a loose essay based off a hypothetical posit.

  • How convenient should it be?

    How much would you pay a friend you see every couple months that is friends with your other friends to go out and buy fast food for you while you sit at home playing videogames instead?

    What amount of money would make that feel ok to you?

    Assuming it would take more than 2 dollars to feel ok with that, why is it ok to spend less on a stranger doing it? And how much less is ok?

    The “that’s somebody’s job, they signed up for that” mentality that prevents so many people from doing what little they can to make that job suck just a little bit less at often times nearly no cost to themselves, like not clearing their trays/garbage at a fast food place, or leaving all their stuff at their seats in a movie theater… it’s such a pervasive mentality, “I don’t -have- to do it, so why should I?”.

    Do you want to live in a world where people are nice to you, well too bad, cuz they don’t -have- to be. As long as that mentality persists, we can’t have that world. Doing things you don’t -have- to do to make someone else’s life just a little easier, is the foundation of basic kindness.

  • Yeah, I’m on a Samsung fold 4 at the moment, definitely gonna be a Fold user for life unless something even better comes along. Can’t go back.

    I don’t know if my galaxy active 4 was before or after 2015, but I loved that thing mostly for the style and the removable battery. Nice to just swap in a fully charged battery and continue on not being tethered to a charger. I got it in whatever they officially called the turquoisey color that year. Usually they were just called “blue” despite very much not being blue, ever. The back panel was so pretty.


    Edit: looks like it was released in 2013, but… I still had it until around 2017… so it still counts right? Ah wells, I’m gonna pick it anyway, you can’t stop me!

    Edit 2: please don’t stop me.

  • Usually if I’m gonna be outside doing exercise or labor, I’ll flip my phone around in my pocket. It’s more comfortable putting the screen against my leg, but it does indeed somehow always manage to wake up when my leg gets sweaty. So if my leg is gonna get sweaty, my phone goes in backwards instead.

    There is also the alternate option of disabling certain smart lock features, so that the phone is always fully locked in your pocket. I think just the one about not fully locking if it hasn’t left your person. Humans are never fully still, so it basically keeps the phone only partially locked until the second it’s completely still for an entire second. I kind of like that feature, so when deciding between that or remembering to turn my phone around, I went with the latter, but if you are in that position alot, it might be worth it to you to disable the feature.

  • I use a Fold 4. I am autistic.

    I went into it assuming I would hate the crease. But decided the upsides outweighed that potential downside. But over a year in now and I don’t even hate the crease. Honestly the thing I find the most annoying would also be on most other phones; Fold 4 has an underscreen camera with lower pixel density in front of it. Bothers the shit out of me. I’ve taken to having a floating button for screenshots/video and place that button directly over the camera circle. So instead of whatever is in my game looking stupid and annoying in that spot, I can just pretend the icon for the camera button has a weird design.

    The upside for me is having access to a nearly 4:3 aspect ratio. I do alot of emulation of older games, so it’s nice to have them be full screen again. Also the charging speed is pretty nice, can have the phone completely full from empty in just under an hour at max charging speed. Which means the 25% to 75% time is just nuts. Can plug it in and not get bored just from watching the percentage tick up. Lol.

    I don’t really have much use for it in folded bar form though, using it like an actual phone is of course better in that shape, but I didn’t buy this phone because of how often I make or receive traditional phone calls. So it’s mostly just a fast, useful tablet that I can fold up and put in my pocket. Honestly if there was a version without the outside screen, I would probably get that one. The only thing I use the outside screen for is to hang up at the end of a call. And I’m sure there is an alternate option for that. Could just have a tiny little info screen that had hang-up and speaker buttons. But yeah, if the outside screen isn’t costing much to include, then whatever, I could take it or leave it.

    I have the hand strap case directly from Samsung, I definitely recommend it. It’s got adhesive strips that stick to the phone, designed to be put on once and never removed. It doesn’t need to be cleaned under. Basically as minimal as possible while having the grip to the phone necessary to trust that strap with your $2000 phones life. Although I didn’t quite pay that much, I always look for an open box deal. I got it 40% off.

    But yeah, the crease isn’t really annoying at all. At it’s worst, when looking at the phone from an uncentered angle, it is visibly darker along each side of the crease, but looking at it straight on, which you generally would be doing, you can’t even tell it’s there. You have to touch it to notice it, but it’s smooth enough that it doesn’t affect playing games or anything.

    I was worried it was gonna be much worse when thinking about it before I got hands on. So when my sister got a used fold 3, I borrowed it for a couple hours to play some specific games I wanted to try out. And I wasn’t worried anymore about spending so much for a fold 4.

    The weight was an issue originally, took about 2 weeks to get used to it, and then about a month later I got the strap case and it would have solved it anyway. It’s lighter than a hand-held gaming console, and I’m sure a few of us used to hold those for hours when we weren’t as strong as we are now. The original issue was mostly when trying to hold it one-handed from one side of it. Or gripping accross the phone in folded out mode. I have decently big hands, smaller hands would have made it more than a 2 week issue. But yeah, if my hands were smaller, the problem would have remained until I got the strap case, then you hold the phone from it’s center of weight and your hand is in a comfortable position while doing so. Or I just tuck one finger tip into the strap and two more on the outside of the strap and hold the phone from one side still. Comfortable and distributing the phones weight more evenly.