SoyViking [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2020


  • SoyViking [he/him]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mluntil we meet again!
    6 months ago

    This is where the idea of “personal responsibility” is useful for liberals. Flatly admitting that they want a desperate underclass is too mask off for them to feel like good people so they invent a way of blaming individual victims rather than the economic system.

    The poor has a theoretical opportunity to pull themselves up by the bootstraps so when they don’t do that it’s really their own fault. Of course that theoretical opportunity doesn’t translate into actual opportunity for most people but that’s fine, as there’s enough window dressing of meritocracy to make the opportunity look real if you are careful not to go into too much detail.

    This is also the reason why liberals hate discussing real-world examples. Their logic only works in abstract thought experiments where they get to control the variables. Saying that everyone has the opportunity to succeed is a lot easier than saying that Bob, who has a set of very concrete and undeniable material conditions, has the opportunity succeed.

  • SoyViking [he/him]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlNuclear Power
    7 months ago

    It’s so annoying that being irrationality afraid of nuclear power is simply assumed to be a leftist position where I live, by leftists and non-leftists alike. No thought goes into it, nuclear power is scary because of nuclear bombs and Chernobyl and that’s it.

  • I once read that when Sweden decided to switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar they didn’t do it all at once, disliking the idea of jumping so many days forwards/backwards (I can’t remember which way the Julian is out of sync). Instead they opted for a plan to move their calendar one single day every year over several decades. I remember the place I read about it saying that it just confused everyone and the plan was scrapped after a few years.

  • In Denmark, the social democratic Nordic welfare paradise, universal healthcare does not cover dental care for adults. If you’re really poor and have an emergency you might have some luck begging the local municipality to pay for having the offending tooth pulled out but that’s about it.

    The result is a wide class disparity in dental health and even people who are not poor think twice before going to the dentist, resulting in issues growing worse than they had to be.

    Some private insurance exists but they are free to reject you as a customer if your dental health is already bad.

    Nobody likes the current system or want to be seen defending it. The only argument that’s given for maintaining the status quo is that doing the right thing would be too expensive.

  • Nope, Israel is the most diverse country in the whole region without question

    South Africa is diverse and was so during apartheid. This doesn’t make it any less of an illegitimate apartheid state. In fact it makes it worse.

    The zionist entity actively rejects that diversity by declaring itself an exclusively Jewish state. Palestinians can live there under various degrees of apartheid but they will never be considered equal to the Jewish population.

    it is also also the only democracy in the region.

    The zionist entity occupies the entirety of Palestine as well as parts of Syria. On that territory lives more than seven million Palestinians. Two million of those are considered citizens of the zionist entity and although they are systematically discriminated against and harassed they are allowed to vote.

    In addition to the seven million Palestinians living in Palestine, more than three million Palestinian refugees lives outside of Palestine and are being denied their right to return to their homeland by the zionist entity.

    Of the zionist entity’s population seven million are Jews.

    Why all of these demographics? Well, of a population of seventeen million, Jews make up a minority. However while all seven million Jews are allowed to vote in the zionist entity’s elections, only two million Palestinians are allowed to.

    As a result result of having elections only for the elite ethnic minority, politics of the zionist entity has moved to be dominated by far right Jewish supremacists.

    How democratic is that? How democratic is a state that explicitly and unapologetically declared itself to be a state for a minority of the population?

    Palestinians enjoys very limited political freedoms and are severely hindered in their abilities to express themselves. They can get convicted by zionist courts for the crime of posting on social media that somebody has been murdered by the occupation forces. Even passively consuming “terrorist” media can land you in jail.

    Calling the zionist entity democratic is to make a mockery of the concept of democracy. But even if you believe it to be democratic, how does that justify settler-colonialism and apartheid?

    On top of that, Israel is also the only country in the region that has womens and LGBTQ+ rights written into it’s law

    The zionist entity is pretty unique in the world by still having miscegenation laws. A Jew and a Muslim cannot legally get married in the zionist entity. All family law is governed by theocratic and unelected conservative religious institutions, creating separate legal systems for each religious demographic, no matter whether the individuals getting married shares these strict religious beliefs or not. As a consequence, there is no such thing as civil marriage in the zionist entity either and certainly not anything like gay marriage.

    All I did was criticizing the antisemitic generalization of all citizens of Israel as casual child murderers

    The zionist entity is a casual child murdering entity. Zionism is an ideology enabling casual child murdering. The evidence for their evil is overwhelming. But for the people of the zionist entity you can’t really generalise any more than you can with any other population of millions of people. Each of them have the same potential to be good morally upright human beings as anyone else. With that being said, election results and polls suggests that a large portion of that population of the zionist entity subscribes to deeply racist Jewish supremacist ideas. This doesn’t mean that they all share these views or that those who do cannot be deradicalised or that these beliefs are essential to Judaism rather than being offshoots of western imperialism.

    Opposing apartheid systems is not racist. Opposing apartheid ideologies is not racist, even if those beliefs are prevalent among a certain ethnic group.

  • I guess this is one of those YMMW situations. I’m sure Halloween can be fun and cool in America but outside of America it really sucks.

    Where I’m from Halloween was not a thing until ten or fifteen years ago when toy stores decided they wanted to use the opportunity to market ugly plastic decorations and shitty costumes. There’s none of the cultural background that gives celebrations like this meaning and it all feels fake, like people are pretending to be Americans rather than taking part in a genuine celebration.

    Celebrating Halloween as a non-American also has a tiresome aspect of cultural imperialism in it. Adopting stuff from other cultures is fine but why does it have to be stuff from burgerland every single time? Why can’t we do Dias de los muertos or Chinese New year instead?

  • Et moderne reboot af Olsenbanden ville have en masse materiale at arbejde med. Det moderne erhvervslivs opblæste disruption-hype og finansielle fiksfakserier vil sagtens kunne skabe en ny version af Hallandsen. Den moderne Jensen vil passe perfekt ind i new public management. Og så vil der kunne være meget sjov i at lade de moderne Kjeld og Yvonne have mellemøstlig baggrund. De skal i hvert fald ikke bo i Valby længere, for det er blevet for dyrt. Måske skal den røde kuffert indeholde en harddisk med bitcoins?

  • Another great quote is made by Jensen, the burnt-out detective tasked with catching Egon and his gang. His younger and more naive colleague remarks that “crime doesn’t pay” which prompts Jensen to give the following answer:

    Oh God! My dear, dear young friend, you are terribly mistaken. Believe me, I’ve been on the force for more than 25 years, and I know what I’m talking about. Duty carries its own reward, but it’s modest. Integrity is beautiful, but meager. Justice is proud, but one-eyed. Love is sweet, but costly. Friendship and camaraderie, those are good to look back on in your old age. But the only thing that pays, that’s crime!

    Jensen makes a lot of glasses-off remarks such as “when the really big criminals arrives the only thing the police can do is to offer them protection”.

  • The upper class in Denmark are just as big piss babies about paying their taxes as they are anywhere else. Ordinary Danes might like to say they’re happy to pay taxes but in reality few of them would pass the opportunity to have their car fixed off the books or to buy beer in Germany to avoid the Danish alcohol tax.