Star Trader Frontiers is also available on Android and iOS and is pretty good.
Star Trader Frontiers is also available on Android and iOS and is pretty good.
Plus, IIRC it’s got a procedural ASCII face generator.
Rose, because she clearly wants to be painted like one of your french girls.
I don’t think posts on reddit ever actually show less than 0 points no matter how many downvotes they get. Comments do, but posts always bottom out at 0 as far as I know.
Also dual-booting is honestly the way to go when starting up, just in case.
I generally agree, but I always found when I did that, that I would never take the time to resolve issues I encounter and just jumped back into Windows. It wasn’t until I went full immersion that the switch stuck. It’s been a few years now, and I’m glad I did.
YDIFRC (You do, in fact, remember/recall correctly.)