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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Im with the earlier “yeah… No.”


    “If people can take case-dependence for passwords”

    They cant now do they ? If they could passwords would be a-okay and there wouldn’t be any need for stickies on monitors, password managers, biometrics, SSO, MFA and passwordless authentication.

    The dumbest idea in computing is assuming everyone is as smart as you.

    They aren’t. Why isn’t *nix any bigger? Here’s your answer. People are stupid.

    Why did IT only finally took off with windows 3.11? because people could understand that. Barely. Most of us where way to dumb for everything which came before.

    Why does ipv6 acception takes so long? Because people are stupid and don’t get it. Nobody really gets hex. So they just stay with what they can read and more or less get. Even the hardest part of ip4, subnetting, has an easy way out: just add in there and it works. Doesnt work? Keep replacing 255 with zeros and eventually it will. Subnetting on ipv6? No idea. Let’s just disable ipv6 on the internal lan and leave everything on ipv4. Zero migration, zero risk, zero training needed.

    Why do so many companies only go half assed into cloud? Because they don’t get it.

    Powershell? Only half, a third even, of the admins truly get it.

    I could go on.

    Succes is build on simplicity.

  • My third even, 100% bank owned. Cannot afford to switch again so I think this is it till the end. All my under 30 colleagues also have their own by the way. It’s fucking expensive especially with 3 kids who probably cannot move out the next 10 years.

    I know where you’re coming from, having older kids myself. It’s hard and unfair. But that’s how it always been. The unfair part isn’t new.

    Looking back thinking it was easier in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s is, I’m sorry to say, disillusional. You’re just looking at housing (which was also bullshit in the 80s, and 00s by the way) and forget the rest of the shit of those times. 80s wasn’t fun, my dad lost his job, we only kept our house because my grand parents died and the inheritance filled the financial hole. 00s also wasn’t fun, being a part of the greatest depression since the 30s, I was fortunate to keep my IT job, a lot of mates lost everything. (job, house, marriage, because bad finance kills relations I’ve learned.) My wife did get fired and still is not at the same level as back then. But we get by, thank you for asking.

    Finance is a bitch. Always has been.

  • In 7 and vista you already used steam and battle.net. The last time you clicked on an exe really was a long time ago.

    Every installer ever since windows 95, made an item in your start menu. No clicking an exe.

    unless you pirate your games, but then you’re still just clicking an exe and this post doesn’t make sense.

    But hey, he made fun with his meme, I had fun typing my response, that’s all there was to it, no?

  • Story of every generation, bub. I had the oil crises, 80s collapse, I forgot what it was called in the nineties, dotcom bubble, 2008 banking crisis, and the last few

    Returning theme? One big dip per decade. 80s and 08 where the nastiest though.

    Wars? One every 5-10 years. Too many to remember.

    Yeah, I’m getting old.

    And that guy in your pic is 54, pushing 55. Nowhere near 35.

    So get your shit together, and take another one on the chin. The working class gets our asses kicked financially ever since money was invented. It’s how the system works.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGaming Then vs Gaming Now
    1 year ago

    The meme’s is that it was better back then.

    It truly really wasn’t.

    I know. I was there. There was no “just clicking an exe” in the nineties. Pc’s where work machines. Made for boring stuff like excel and typing letters. Getting them. To play a game was a task on its own.

    To play games on them you really had to go through several burning hoops. Every time. Because game A used xms, game B didn’t care, game C must have ems. Etc. You where reconfiguring your pc for each game in a different way.

    Later, win vista and XP solved a lot of problems but caused several others just as worse.

    It was with win7 it finally all started to work like it more or less should.

    And really, I meant it: I take current day tracking and ads any day. 3 steps forward, one backwards.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGaming Then vs Gaming Now
    1 year ago

    It’s nowhere near accurate. This guy clearly never played wingco 3 with it’s 15 minute intro.

    This guy clearly also had never played mechwarrior 3. A game by microprose no wait fasa interactive no wait microsoft no wait some other investment party.

    This guy clearly also never fucked around with EMS or XMS.

    This guy also never lived in the pre windows era. (clicking on an exe, come on people.)

    Reality was:

    Installing a game was an afternoon. Ever swapped 14 floppy disks? Then came cdrom which made it better (double speed master race @300 KB/sec! Yes! Now it only took an hour!


    D: CD\GAMES\GAME (enter)

    GAME.EXE (enter)

    this game needs 605 KB free base ram. You have 585 KB. Please free up ram and try again

    (muck around with qemm386 and if you where poor emm386) Reboot, reboot, reboot.

    CD\GAMES\GAME (enter)

    GAME.EXE (enter)



    CD\GAMES\GAME (enter)

    Config.exe (enter)

    Scroll with arrow buttons to sound Config. Check. You can’t remember the dipswitches you set on your soundblaster pro. Open the cabinet, remove the card. Look at the dipswitches on it. you see now you set the dipswitch to irq 5 instead of 7. Fuck, that’s it. You also make a mental note of the dma channel and the memory address. Fuck that, you couldn’t remember it last time so you write it down. Irq5, dma 1, 220h.

    Reinsert to the ISA slot, close cabinet. Reboot. Fuck. No sound from the cdrom. Guess you knocked that flimsy cable loose again. Fuck it, this game fortunately has no cd audio.

    CD\GAMES\GAME (enter)

    GAME.EXE (enter)



    Oh I’m so fucking dumb, I didn’t set the irq in Config.exe of the game, I just wrote it on this piece of paper. Ffs. Reboot.

    CD\GAMES\GAME (enter)

    Config. Exe (enter)

    Scroll to soundcard, change the irq from 7 to 5, check the dma… That’s good, check the memory address… 240h… Fuck. Good I catched that as well. Change that also to 220h.





    The fucking retarded mouse driver conflicts with qemm. I don’t need that fucker for this game, remove it from Config.sys. Reboot.

    CD\GAMES\GAME (enter)

    GAME.EXE (enter)

    Glide3d error on line 2365. You need version 2.13. You have 2.10.

    Oh fucking hell.

    CD windows Win.com

    No mouse detected.


    Edit Config.sys, unrem The mouse driver, remove the qemm optimisations because they clashed with the mouse driver.


    Win. Com. Click on netscape. Start the modem. [modem sounds] 56k6 baby! That fucker is fast!

    Click on the address line (netscape crashes)

    Sigh. You’re to tired to even curse at this moment. Click on netscape again. Click on address bar, http://www.3dfx.com

    Wait… (loading at 4k a second)

    Click on support

    Wait… (loading at 4k a second)

    Click on drivers

    Wait… (loading at 4k a second)

    Click on glide

    Wait… (loading at 4k a second)

    Click on download latest.

    Wait… For 30 minutes for it to download. (loading at 4k a second)

    Your mum wants to call your aunt. You have to hang up that computer bullshit NOW.


    Mum, it’s only 5 minutes remaining! I don’t care, I’m out of eggs and I need them. Maybe you’re aunt has some otherwise I have to go to the store. Hang up now!

    Fuck. Hangup.


    Do it all again.

    Finally downloaded. You just know you’re going to get your ass chewed up by your dad because you where downloading for over an hour, it probably costed somewhere around 5-7 bucks to download this driver because of the egg fiasco. Anyway, install the driver.

    First unzip it.

    C: Cd\temp Unzip Glide3d.zip

    Error unreadable byte at 435543.


    Download it again

    (now you know for sure you’re going to get it)

    This time it unzips.


    It installs.


    Reboot. Start game. Not enough memory because of the new glide driver. And you forgot to unload the mouse driver.

    I’ll take current day ads, tracking and the sacrifice of the soul of my firstborn due to EULA’S any fucking day

    It’s like jack Nicholson said in a few good men:


    (I lied a tiny bit, Glide3d usually meant a dos4gw game which finally meant 32 bit addresses and no conventional memory bullshit. But you can change that for any other driver you needed)

  • Serial drivers? Are we talking rs232? (Checks what tf ftdi is)

    Ah yes. We really are talking about very old school stuff. It brings back memories.

    This week I learned we have a waterslide connected through rs232 to a pi in our network. How’s that for a IOT discovery. Working for a medium sized municipality really shows you all the bonkers solutions (and implementations) out there. If you can think a IT horror up, chances are good somebody really has created it and is using it commercially.

    Back to your issue, which is more a Ftdi issue then a windows issue since they themselves create the crashing drivers. And I can see how an old school serial port, connected to a modern pc can result in all kinds of havoc when done wrong.

    I see FTDI also have usb to rs232 solutions. That should work… Mostly. (as long as the solution doesn’t go looking for an irq or other horror from the past.)

    I’m really getting curious for what use case you’re still using rs232. Most network gear these days is perfectly managed without it.