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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That’s why I mentioned those other console exclusive features. Anyway the original point was about cost and I think the Series X was the best value for money at launch this gen…

    • Half the price of building a similar PC at launch.

    • Rewards are higher on console so recoup the cost more than PC.

    • I use Game Pass on both PC and Xbox with a single account to play multiplayer so cheaper on that front.

    We’re half way through the generation now though. PC parts have got cheaper, Game Pass Ultimate conversion ratio has dropped and rewards are drying up so probably wouldn’t advocate it anymore. PC likely to be better value next gen.

  • I always gamed predominantly on PC but this generation I did the maths as PC parts had become over-inflated so decided to give console a try. I still think it was a decent decision for this generation…

    Game Pass can be had waaaaaay cheaper than that and you can get it all back and more in rewards points.

    I spent £450ish on the console at launch including controller and a game. Equivalent GPU was £500 or more at the time.

    Spent £150ish on Game Pass sub from November 2020 to July 2026 which has allowed me to play countless games I never would have bought outright.

    I’ve made over £700 back in vouchers with over 2 years left to accumulate more. Spent half of it on games, and controllers, headset, etc. all of which I can use on my PC. Plan on saving the remaining vouchers to put towards my next PC build.

    This is without mentioning other console benefits like low maintenance, Quick Resume and the fact I can use one copy of a game to play with two players online.

    eXpLaIN hOw im OuT oF pOcKeT.

  • You don’t really have one lol. You’ve read too many pop-sci articles from AI proponents and haven’t understood any of the underlying tech.

    All your retorts boil down to copying my arguments because you seem to be incapable of original thought. Therefore it’s not surprising you believe neural networks are approaching sentience and consider imitation to be the same as intelligence.

    You seem to think there’s something mystical about neural networks but there is not, just layers of complexity that are difficult for humans to unpick.

    You argue like a religious zealot or Trump supporter because at this point it seems you don’t understand basic logic or how the scientific method works.

  • You obviously have hate issues

    Says the person who starts chucking out insults the second they get downvoted.

    From what I gather, anyone that disagrees with you is a tech bro with issues, which is quite pathetic to the point that it barely warrants a response but here goes…

    I think I understand your viewpoint. You like playing around with AI models and have bought into the hype so much that you’ve completely failed to consider their limitations.

    People do understand how they work; it’s clever mathematics. The tech is amazing and will no doubt bring numerous positive applications for humanity, but there’s no need to go around making outlandish claims like they understand or reason in the same way living beings do.

    You consider intelligence to be nothing more than parroting which is, quite frankly, dangerous thinking and says a lot about your reductionist worldview.

    You may redefine the word “understanding” and attribute it to an algorithm if you wish, but myself and others are allowed to disagree. No rigorous evidence currently exists that we can replicate any aspect of consciousness using a neural network alone.

    You say pessimistic, I say realistic.

  • Possible, yes. It’s also entirely possible there’s interactions we are yet to discover.

    I wouldn’t claim it’s unknowable. Just that there’s little evidence so far to suggest any form of sentience could arise from current machine learning models.

    That hypothesis is not verifiable at present as we don’t know the ins and outs of how consciousness arises.

    Then it would logically follow that all the other functions of a human brain are similarly “possible” if we train it right and add enough computing power and memory. Without ever knowing the secrets of the human brain. I’d expect the truth somewhere in the middle of those two perspectives.

    Lots of things are possible, we use the scientific method to test them not speculative logical arguments.

    Functions of the brain

    These would need to be defined.

    But that means it should also be reproducible by similar means.

    Can’t be sure of this… For example, what if quantum interactions are involved in brain activity? How does the grey matter in the brain affect the functioning of neurons? How do the heart/gut affect things? Do cells which aren’t neurons provide any input? Does some aspect of consciousness arise from the very material the brain is made of?

    As far as I know all the above are open questions and I’m sure there are many more. But the point is we can’t suggest there is actually rudimentary consciousness in neural networks until we have pinned it down in living things first.

  • Whilst everything you linked is great research which demonstrates the vast capabilities of LLMs, none of it demonstrates understanding as most humans know it.

    This argument always boils down to one’s definition of the word “understanding”. For me that word implies a degree of consciousness, for others, apparently not.

    To quote GPT-4:

    LLMs do not truly understand the meaning, context, or implications of the language they generate or process. They are more like sophisticated parrots that mimic human language, rather than intelligent agents that comprehend and communicate with humans. LLMs are impressive and useful tools, but they are not substitutes for human understanding.

  • +1 for the S23.

    I’ve been a Nexus/Pixel fan since the beginning but performance/battery is much better now the Samsungs have the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 in them.

    Camera is decent (marginally worse than Pixel for stills but better for video) and OneUI is far much more customisable and less obtuse than it was in the past.