Like, hyrule warriors lagging at ulti in splitscreen mode, you mean? They already released that for switch 1 🤣
Now we can finally play it lag free 🥳well, hopefully 🤪
Or we just continue to play lag free on steam deck 😜
Like, hyrule warriors lagging at ulti in splitscreen mode, you mean? They already released that for switch 1 🤣
Now we can finally play it lag free 🥳well, hopefully 🤪
Or we just continue to play lag free on steam deck 😜
And rewrite the whole OS from scratch instead of using a battle-tested codebase existing since GBA?
Who would switch from arm to x86 when the whole market is moving into arm direction?
This is very good to hear 😊
Congratulations! You just made a big present for your parents 😄👌🏻
😆I see
I think I would run Arch on such a device
I just learned that this resolution resulted from 4:3 screens which got some wideness added to reach 16:9 from an awesome person in this comment thread 😊
Ahh, I see, they took the 4:3 Standard screen and let it grow to 16:9, that makes a lot of sense 😃
I am to young for knowing 4:3 resolutions 😆
Sure, just never saw this numbers for resolution, ever 😆
1366x768 ?? WTF
Yea, I did not phrase it well enough 😂 I just don’t want to be supervised by these large phone OS giants, because they think it is more convenient
What do you mean with QEMU? Are you running a Linux VM on your android phone?
😏I see what you did there, myriad is awesome
I’m thinking about crafting a phone out if a raspberry compute module (so I can upgrade my device easy with new computing modules released)
I want to add a battery, a modem, a touchscreen and a usb-PD port with video out compatibility
Maybe a little cam to scan documents as well…
They just use really low spec hardware…
I would pay more than 1000$ at this point for a modern high DPI open device with mobile internet compatibility and all drivers in mainline kernel. Just give me good hardware, I can handle the software on my on, tank you 🤭
I recommend to installed starship, fish and ZSH. I just tried them recently with config files from a friend and am pleasantly surprised:
These guys should not wait for Linux but support reactOS, lol
Funny thing is, that there are many things I prefer the terminal for, but systemd deamons are not these things 😂
I always play with pro controller or powerA gamrcube wireless