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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMACHETE
    8 months ago

    I thought it was Steven Seagal.

    I only know 2 things about Steven Seagal.

    1. Steven Seagal is a Russian shill.

    2. One time Gene LeBell choked Steven out so hard, that Steven Seagal shit his pants.

    Those are the only 2 things I know, and need to know about Steven Seagal.

  • I would also like to point out that in many stories I am far from the main character. I am simply someone that was present for something unusual. For instance, One time I accidentally hung out with a murderer a few days after he killed, but a few days before he turned himself in. He only told me this once we were alone, and he went into great detail. I’m not the main character in that one. It’s just told from my perspective.

  • While I agree at least from a philosophical standpoint. I am related to too many cops. My uncle was the captain of the Birmingham police Dept. He was the last person to arrest MLK jr. before MLK assassinated. I have worked with cops. I was the bouncer at a bar and we hired cops on the weekend. Those cops were notorious for letting underage chicks in if they were hot. Also, one of the main groups that hung out at that bar were 1% motorcycle club, most of which were local cops. One time a friend flipped off a driver that almost ran us over. The driver came back and told us he was the mayor of the town and his son was chief of the police. He left and the cops showed up. They threatened us with batons and tasers. They arrested my friend for disturbing the peace. I once had a cop choke me while I was handcuffed because he couldn’t find “the dope”. Yet I can say that out of all the interactions I’ve had with cops only one was beneficial. I had a cop drive me home one night when I was walking home drunk.

    So, no one should be presumed guilty until proven innocent. My experience tells me that cops are all pieces of shit and are not here for my or anyone else’s benefit, unless you have money.

    Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I have a cousin that was a retired deputy. He shot and killed his drug addicted son in cold blood because he was tired of him begging. The county he was a deputy with investigated it and deemed it self defense.

  • I am a case study in what happens when you just go with it to an extreme. I’ve been thinking about starting a community where I share stories about things I’ve done, things that happened to me, and more importantly the people I’ve met. I’ve been to Nepal and Tibet with a new age cult. I was a homeless heroin addict for over a decade. I was a racist piece of shit until I met an hiv infected gay man that took the time to teach me about empathy, and I am eternally grateful for the lessons he taught me.

    I have tons of stories like this one and more. Far far crazier ones. My mom died when I was 7 and my dad worked a whole bunch of overtime and dated a lot. I didn’t really have parents. So I collected parental figures. One was a single dad biker that looked like captain Jack sparrow, but it was the 90’s. He made dinner for me every night. That way when I left night college I had a hot meal. He passed away last week.

    I had a mother figure that was like a female early cuyler from squidbillies. She was red neck as fuck and always had a .38 revolver with her. She got me my first checking account. She also sold me Xanax.

  • It doesn’t matter what I think the borders should be. I have no sway over that. Not only do I not have a dog in this fight. I don’t find it entertaining to debate it. I have read a nauseating amount of material about this subject. I have watched enough videos on this subject to be considered torture, and in the end. I can’t help but feel like both of these assholes are made for each other.

    But like I said. My feelings mean absolutely nothing. Because I am just a random weirdo on the internet, just like you. Just like you, I don’t have the money or influence to bring peace to the Middle East. Just like you, I did what I felt was enough research and then made a decision. Just like you this conversation isn’t going to sway me. But more importantly. Just like you my feelings on the subject won’t change anything. Innocent people are going to die regardless of what we say. It’s a tragedy, but it’s true.

    So, I guess what I’m saying is… Maybe we should agree to disagree.

  • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAll lives rule
    9 months ago

    I typed out a like 6 paragraph explanation of why it’s both of their faults that this is happening. Suffice to say that this is just the latest iteration of a fight that’s been going on for a very VERY long time. At times the Palestinians were in control and horrible, and now the Jews are returning the favor. These two assholes have done nothing but make it worse every time they got a chance to make it better.

    That’s why I literally don’t care what happens to either. They are both horrible and I’m a poor person on the other side of the world. Even IF I cared. I lack the money and resources to do anything about it, and debating with people on the internet about things that we can’t change and don’t fully understand is a modern day Sisyphean task.

    Edit: wait are we talking US politics? In that case both sides do suck. But one is trying to kill trans and gay people and I can’t support that. So, Biden it is.

  • Here’s a better one for ya. If the worst thing you unknowingly put in your mouth, chew, and swallow is a little cat butt. Then, you should consider yourself lucky.

    I did pest control for several years. We always said that cats are the worst pest in the house. They stomp around in a box of their own feces and urine. Then they track that all over your counter tops and furniture. They sit on you counters and furniture with a bare butthole.

    I mean let’s face it. If you have a cat you’ve more than like put something in your mouth that touched their b-hole even if indirectly.

  • I did try Linux. I even took a college course and learned enough to pass. But I have a super shitty memory and it was redhat back in the late 90s so ALL THOSE COMMANDS. Jumping Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. I mean Linux had a gui but it was useless. So, instead I’m bashing away at my head with the little animal books, and for what? You couldn’t play games on it. Basically Linux was soooo painfully unenjoyable last time I used it I haven’t touched it since.

  • Well, I mean you’re right about all of that. But, if I’m wrong and I decide to engage you anyway. It’s not really about proving myself right. It really becomes more of a how much time can I eat, and how frustrating can I be.

    See, you miss the point. Once I know I’m wrong and the other person is a dick. I’m not trying to be right anymore. It’s only about stealing your time. I am time rich. I have nothing but time. The longer I can keep someone on the hook with half cocked facts and almost getting it the better. I’m a house husband and it literally breaks the monotony of cleaning, and being a chauffeur.

    This isn’t something I do all the time. Generally, I spend my time just sharing my old person wisdom. For that matter I haven’t had a problem since coming to Lemmy from Reddit. I’m sure it’s coming. But, people here seem generally more pleasant.

  • As I said to the other person.

    Either way I learned something new. But if you’re a dick I’m not going to let you know that. At best I’m not going to “feed the trolls” and at worst I’m going to make you work for being a dick.

    See it has less to do with being wrong. Hell, we’re all wrong sometimes. It has to do with how someone approaches me. All of us have some knowledge that someone else doesn’t. That’s ok. But that doesn’t make you or I special. Likewise, our lack of that particular knowledge doesn’t make us dumb either. So, why be a dick about it?

    Also, if you can believe this. I get into quite a few religious debates. I know. It sounds crazy. In those discussions things aren’t always as cut and dry as say 2+2=4. People get really passionate about what amounts to nothing but interpretation and opinion.

  • I mean, I can live with myself. Plus, if you really stop to think about it. The purpose was served either way. I learned the correct thing. It’s not like I’m going to make that mistake again. Really the only difference is whether my opponent or whatever you want to call them gets the satisfaction of knowing that they taught me something.

    With that being said. Maybe I should clarify. It’s ok to be passionate about something. But all of us are wrong from time to time. There’s no need to be a dick when someone has their facts mixed up. Is it any worse being a pain to someone being a dick over perceived greater intelligence?

    But a better question is. Has that attitude served you well? I mean, you seem awfully invested in an internet strangers weird habit of being annoying.