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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • My first breaking point was the millionth time I was in the printer aisle before open on a Saturday with a manager laying into me for a half hour about how to “squeeze the last of the juice” out of people, and they dropped the “tell them you are an un-comissioned salesperson so you have no reason to take advantage of them, it disarms them, makes them trust you, you can load anything into their cart after you make them believe that” and I had a moment of clarity, and instead of going “Uh huh. Yes sir” I thought “No. I am an un-comissioned salesperson so I have no reason to take advantage of them. End of sentence.”

    Genuinely, Best Buy is one of the worst companies on planet earth.

  • Yup.

    I was 17, I was about to graduate high school so it was part time. I was the most reliable department associate, but one of the “weaker” salesmen.

    The department was spotless when I was there and the phone always got answered, and I made sure to bag 3 or 4 big sales a week, but I wasn’t out to bleed every poor soul who walked into the department dry. I was more about good service and finding the right solution for each person.

    So I got an average of 32 hours a week, well over all the other people in the department, but I was definitely on my way out, and that raging hemorrhoid of a waste of air reaming me out over helping an 80 year old woman who literally showed me her social security check, but assured me she had friends she could get to invite her over for dinner if the computer was too expensive pushed me out.

    Its not even like if they fired me I would have gotten unemployment. It was just a petty move from a coward with a micro-peen who couldn’t handle a 17 year old telling them they were a 45 year old failure at life working in a Best Buy for just over minimum wage taking advantage of nice elderly ladies.

  • Yup.

    I was in the computer sales department.

    We were flat out told what the lies were, and how to make them more convincing.

    The service contracts were non-refundable, so it didn’t matter.

    When a manager caught me helping a retiree get a cheap setup to email her grandkids instead of getting them on a line of credit for a top of the line gaming pc, they didn’t even fire me. They just stopped scheduling me hours and told me to keep coming in to get my schedule.

    Picked up a blank schedule for 5 weeks before I stopped going in and I’m sure they filed no call no show paperwork when I didn’t show up for my 1 hour 3 weeks later.

    Fuck best buy.

  • Ya.

    I worked there when they launched a membership thing, and it was points to gift cards that got printed on receipt paper in hopes the barcode on the carbon paper would fade before you tried to scan it, not any actual price reduction.

    Kind of like how there was all that fine print in the 200 dollar service plan that made it sound like you got more, but it was always just the manufacturer warantee, so if your device qualified for manufacturer warentee, geek squad would give you the cheap out fix, and get the preemo replacements and put them into stock. If the manufacturer warantee didn’t cover it, you were fucked.

  • Shit man. 15 years ago, I worked at Home Depot as a cashier and answered to a Head Cashier who had failed to get into police academy for 5 years running.

    When that asshat wasn’t in the store, life was good. We did our job, we found non-confrontational ways to send scammers packing.

    When asshat was in store, it was always some big dramatic deal.

    The second he got a whiff of someone trying to pass a bad check, or use a credit card balance transfer check like it was a regular check, or do a “but I have store credit!” scam, the only answer was to stall the person until the cops arrived.

    2 separate times, this asshat caused a gun to be drawn on me because I was expressly forbidden from letting the person leave, “just stall them!”, while he hid behind a wall on the line with police.

    How times have changed.

    Sorry OP, sounds like your corporation didn’t like your 20 years of merit raises and just wanted an excuse for you to be gone.

    Fuck em. You’ll make it through this.